Hello fellow outdoor enthusiasts! Shh! Don't tell the mods, but I've been snooping around this site for a while now! I thought it was about time that I register and really start learning from some of you more experienced folks. In the end though, I'm in it for the "hang", the fun, and to enjoy more of the outdoors.

First hang was in the Sierras in August of 2014 in a Grand Trunk single. Spent 4.5 nights of a 6 night trip. The only reason I wasn't able to spend all 6 nights up there is because this nOOb hadn't gotten himself a rainfly yet. Learning the ropes... slowly but surely. Although quite cold (again, learning) they were some of the best nights sleep I had ever had on a trip, and THAT is what made me want to be a "hanger".

Nice to meet you all

Be seein' ya around!