Hi everyone…I’m Scott from NJ. You have all read the same type of intro post a million times before but here’s my version. I’ve been an avid outdoorsman all my life. I grew up on fishing boats, worked on charter and party boats, pheasant/duck hunted since I was 14, and I love camping. Something about being out in the woods and being around a fire that just does it for me.

Of course there are very many different types of camping. Twice a year (Summer & Fall) my cousin and I car camp in tents at a local park not too far from where I live. We always have a blast but it leaves me wanting more. Plus we bring so much “gear” with us it winds up being more work than fun. Also as I get older, I’m finding it harder to do the things I love with others because everybody has so many other responsibilities holding them back. So that leaves me not doing the things that I love to do which led me researching hammock camping. I have no interest in hiking long distances and going ultra-light but the idea of not filling my truck up with tons of gear and just carrying what I’m going to be camping with on my back (even if from the truck to the site) intrigues me and it’s something I can do alone without relying on anybody else.

That research brought me to this site a few months ago. I’ve been soaking up tons of information and if you knew me you would soon find out I never just jump into things…I LEAP. My wallet has been smoking lately, but that’s part of the fun. Here are some of the things I have ordered in the last few weeks. Some I’m still waiting for and some I already have:

-Ultimate Hang Book: Tons of info…a must-read.

-ILBE Marine Pack: Not light, but tons of space to keep everything in one place

-Dream Hammocks Dangerbird: Should be here before mid-April. I decked this thing out so much, it has more features that the Thunderbird. (I wanted the non-removable bugnet and overcover of the DB)

-Warbonnet Superfly: Received this a few weeks ago, and wow what a friggan tarp this thing is!

-Hammock Gear 10* Incubator: Ordered a 20+2 with 10* Specs. It shipped yesterday!

-Dutch Bling: Zing-it, tarp fleaz, tarp pole mod, pack cover, dutch hooks, & a few other goodies that are slipping my mind right now.

-Helinox One Chair: A comfort item, but supposed to be one of the best. This thing is very light and comfortable.

-GSI Dualist Cook Kit & MSR Pocket Rocket: I’m used to a big ol’ coleman stove, cast-iron cookware and solo cups. This is all new to me.

I’m sure there is more, but at this point my smoking wallet made me sign a confidentiality agreement.

So if you made it this far into my post thanks for reading. I’ve never been hammock camping before, but I’m hoping it will fill the gap and allow me to do something I love doing more than only a few times a year. It’s going to be weird/different for me to camp alone but hopefully I’ll eventually get to meet a few of you so I don’t have to be the oddball solo-camper for too long.

Let me finish by saying every vender I’ve worked with has been ridiculously helpful and easy to deal with. They should be commended for their level of customer service. If only all other retailers operated the same way.