I got the trian out of Old Sydney town and met up with Wentworth in his Blue Mountains village. Then after a hour in the car we were heading into the brush

It was in the Wild Dog Mtns of New South Wales. A beautiful place which I had never been to. Lucky though as Wentworth has spent a few trips in there and knew the area very well.

I think the best thing to do is let the pictures do the talking for me.

Day 1

Wentworth enjoying the view on a ridge


HitchHiking's gear to the right and Wenthworth's gear to the left.

Hitch to the left Wentworth to the right.


After packing up camp we went for the views.



We met up with two friends which explains the more hammock in the second nights camp.

Here is one of Wentworth insulated hammocks he made for one of the friends.

This one is his down insulated hammock. The sleeper was enjoying his first night ever off the ground in it.

Wentworth lent me his yeti as he had selected the peapod as his insulation around his homemade one for the 0 to 2 degree temps we were expecting over the nights. Here it is in full flight.

dinner awaits...


Here is taking down camp with the sunrise and view.

some of the flowers that were there to brighten our day even more.

It was a wonderful trip. Big thanks to Wentworth whos knowledge of gear and the area lead to basicly one long 3 day conversation about it all.

and just to end on a bit of fire
here is a blury pic of a Red Bellied Black snake which we crossed paths with.
