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    Senior Member mbal1856's Avatar
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    Introducing Scouts/others to hammock camping

    Just wondering how other people have tried to introduce hammock camping to their scout troops, or friends/family.
    This past summer at Boy Scout camp, one of the other leaders and myself set up our hammocks and tarps for the week. I was only able to stay the first night, but left my hammock set up for the week. I told the boys to take turns and try it out for the night. If they didn't like it, their tent was only a few feet away, you could bail easily in the middle of the night. Well good/bad, one of the boys took it over for the week. He loved it and by the first meeting a couple weeks ago he already purchased his first hammock and is now looking into other parts of his system.
    How about any other ideas from anyone?

  2. #2
    I think that is the best way. Hang it, lay in it and it'll spark their questions and interest. Then just be prepared to answer questions and if inclined to share a bed allow them to try it out. (I'm kinda stingy with my bed, but usually have an extra for them to try).

    I've also noticed there will be haters, usually older adults comparing a gathered end to a Walmart spreader bar style. They want no part of laying like a banana. That's a battle I don't try to fight. I just say I like it and move on.

  3. #3
    Senior Member GoatHanger's Avatar
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    I was unsuccessful with hammocks and my son's previous Cub Scout Pack. It wasn't because they didn't like it, it was because they never go camping. I asked before he joined if they were an active pack, and they insisted they were, but it turned out not to be the case. Over a year with them, and not a single camping trip, not even a hike. We're no longer in scouting. He'll get more outdoor skills hanging with me on the AT.

    That aside, some of my other friends have started to express interest, and have been asking me questions. We're talking about a trip soon to the AT, so I'll be loaning out a few setups. I agree that you just have to hang, while in their presence, and their interest gets piqued, then they're asking lots of questions, and wanting to lay in your setup.

    I still have one friend who refuses to even try it though. No biggie. As long as he's out there with us having fun, that's all that matters.

    Good luck sharing the magic of sleeping in a hammock in the woods!
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  4. #4
    Senior Member miyanc's Avatar
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    I would say, you can lead a horse to water. I have been hammock camping since 2012 with scouts. Cubs first and now boyscouts. In the beginning I got a lot of critics. Not picking on me but talking about me and my hammocks in a mocking kind of way. I should say this was the parents and leaders. The kids all loved them and asked a million questions. I have never pushed. When I was stepping down as cubmaster, as a gift I gave each leader I tree to tree dl hammock. I made them. At first I heard things like, I don't know how to use it or I was going to bring it but left it home. Over time several of those leaders tried it and then became attached to me about how to convert over to full time hammock camping. For me and my group, its just taken time. At this point I am going to be taking orders because I have so many that want to get some gear. I am going to be a busy bee. I am going to set a date and let the orders come in, then buy the material in bulk. We shall see just how many orders I get. I have since had requests to attach bug nets to the hammock and now I have people that want me to help convert sleeping bags into uq/tq.

    My suggestion is to continue what you are doing. Always offer to let someone use your extra gear. I would also offer to adults. Very few of the people I have ever seen try a hammock for camping go back to tents, if they don't have too. It can seem overwhelming or if you choose expensive, which is the real reason I started the diy stuff. So I could help others.

  5. #5
    Senior Member mbal1856's Avatar
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    Thanks for the input. I agree that it isn't something that can be forced. You are talking money investments, the want to try it and many other factors. My son's troop is slowly getting into doing more backpacking, since the last few years and even currently they do more car camping than actual backpacking. One of the other leaders and I have been trying to overcome this by taking our sons and having them invite a few of the other boys on backpacking trips. This past summer, we did an in and out of 12 miles each way in Central NY with our boys and two other scouts. Rained alot, lots of muddy trails since they are shared with horses, but the boys had a great time. Hopefully they pass their experieces onto the other boys to push actual backpacking.

  6. #6
    Senior Member cjayflo's Avatar
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    I'm coming into a pack that uses hammocks. They use enos and a lot of really heavy gear.

  7. #7
    Senior Member punkisdead's Avatar
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    I'm the committee chair for my son's Cub Scout pack and we don't do much camping as a pack either. I don't think the Cub Scouts generally do much because of all the stipulations around camping as a pack. As a Webelos, my son and I have started attending campouts with the Boy Scout troop.

    One thing I'm thinking about doing for the Webelos who will be crossing over to Boy Scouts later this year is to possibly DIY a bunch of hammocks as a parting gift. I noticed a bunch of the Boy Scouts at the last campout were hanging hammocks (quite poorly I might add) and using either ropes or nylon straps. It was quite comical to see those boys who used nylon straps waking up on the ground when earlier that night they had their hammocks strung quite taught between the trees. So I figure by giving them a DIY with proper tree straps and some education on how to properly hang, maybe we can change the perception of hammocks in the troop.

  8. #8
    Senior Member zukiguy's Avatar
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    The advantage/problem with hammocks is that they are a "system" and have a bit of a learning curve. Most kids and adults are just cheap, lazy, and require immediate gratification. So even DIY a hammock, bugnet, tarp, and some form of bottom insulation will probably cost more than an inexpensive tent and ground pad. That's a tough sell to parents, especially in groups that camp rarely and normally do so out of the back of their cars. The first case of CBS or flapping tarp sends them running back their tents.

    I've introduced two of my backpacking friends to hammocks but they still default to tents. Unless we're doing a kayak trip where the ground is likely to be covered with cypress knots or the heat is so bad it's impossible to sleep, they're in their tents. Neither has invested in any insulation other than a narrow pad that's a struggle to stay on overnight. I've offered up some donor quilts but they've not taken me up.

    I did a gear demo about 5 years ago with my scout troop going over all aspects of backpacking (boots, packs, cooking, water filters, etc) and included both tents and hammocks. The hammocks got the cold shoulder. A few months later I brought out my old Explorer UL to a scout camp. While everyone else swatted flies and sweated in cabin "tents" I slept cool and peacefully. Still, the cold shoulder. Fast forward about a year and about 80% of the troop were in hammocks, both scouts and parents. As it's been can lead a horse to water but......

  9. #9
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    I got mine just for Scouts. Mentioned that I was taking it to summer camp and was told that the troop didn't allow them because once, many moons ago, some kids started flipping around in them and someone got sick. I said ok. So I set it up behind my tent anyway, and enjoyed my summer camp. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but i spent 40 years on the ground, in scouts, the Army etc. I'll sleep where I want now. On camp outs now it's me and a few other leaders who use hammocks. Scouts use troop tents to stay uniform. I have no problem with that. And yes, it is older leaders who complain.

  10. #10
    Senior Member dudeman_atl's Avatar
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    Summer Camp is pretty magical for hammock adoption.
    Usually the whiners are at home and there is time to try new things out. In GA the camps all sell hammocks so it is an easy impulse buy for scouts to try out something new.

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