Quote Originally Posted by 2Questions View Post
Hey there Soulis,
Glad to have you on the forum. I've been to Finland twice in my life. I visited Turku while I was staying with friends in Helsinki. I love Finland. I remember many, many lakes, Finnish Saunas, Pea soup on Thursday's, mid summer celebration, and traveling all over Helsinki on the marvelous tram system. A friend of mine sent my wife and I a reindeer skin for a wedding present. Someday I hope to go back. If you ever get on this side of the pond, be sure and let us know.
I sure will let u know if/when i come other side of pond ur right that we have thousand lakes here and lots of woodland but it is sad that sum "campers" don't know how to maintenance theas lands of ours, i have seen so mutch trash every where i have visited that i allmoste cry coz of that... Im clad that i have few "secret" place what i like to use and never seen canisters or glassbottles in those places and i hope that i will never ever see those in days to come...
