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  1. #11
    Senior Member Double's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forums it’s a great place to hang.

    Being a bigger guy (6’4” 360 lbs and broad shouldered) I would recommend seeing if you could find someone close to you that has a 12’ hammock to try. Also the wider fabrics will be your friend. Since you are jeep camping and weight isn’t an issue.
    Edit 1
    I really like hanging on cheap small 3” C clamps from Walmart in my basement. Since I only use straps with a becket hitch as my suspension it works out wonderfully. Thread the clamp through the sewn loop and tighten to the unfinished joist of the floor above. Make sure you are putting pressure on the solid part of the clamp and not the screw. Always use proper angles and check them from time to time if you leave them up. Been doing this way for years. Also I hang inline to blocking that is in the ceiling. I don’t thing it’s necessary but it gives me piece of mind.
    Edit 2
    One last thing and I’m done haha. Raise the foot end higher than the head end and you won’t slide to the middle as much.
    Last edited by Double; 04-30-2024 at 09:06.

  2. #12
    New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Double View Post
    Welcome to the forums it’s a great place to hang.

    Being a bigger guy (6’4” 360 lbs and broad shouldered) I would recommend seeing if you could find someone close to you that has a 12’ hammock to try. Also the wider fabrics will be your friend. Since you are jeep camping and weight isn’t an issue.
    Edit 1
    I really like hanging on cheap small 3” C clamps from Walmart in my basement. Since I only use straps with a becket hitch as my suspension it works out wonderfully. Thread the clamp through the sewn loop and tighten to the unfinished joist of the floor above. Make sure you are putting pressure on the solid part of the clamp and not the screw. Always use proper angles and check them from time to time if you leave them up. Been doing this way for years. Also I hang inline to blocking that is in the ceiling. I don’t thing it’s necessary but it gives me piece of mind.
    Edit 2
    One last thing and I’m done haha. Raise the foot end higher than the head end and you won’t slide to the middle as much.
    Thank you for the reply. I did some adjustments and slept much better last night. I adjusted the ridgeline and lowered the head just a touch more. Tossed in a normal size pillow and was set. Slept a good 5 hours without issue. After the Navy I don't need too much sleep.
    I would be interested to see your set up as mine is right across the whole basement and I have to take one side down to use it and workout. Not too much of a pain but would still like a more permeant setup. I will be taking the whole thing down in a few weeks to go camping so I am excited about that.

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