Quote Originally Posted by st4hangin View Post
The Little Missouri River at Langley needs to be below 4 correct? to be able to cross? is 4' the magic #?
4.5 feet is usually what is the top limit. There are a few crossings on the Little Mo where it can be.....something. One near the Viles Branch leg is wide but can be swift. The ones just a bit north of there are the more dangerous ones. You need to be aware of the rain falling up river to the north as that is the watershed. The area around Albert Pike is a choke point and where the disaster happened. The river also goes down fairly quickly. I've had friend have to turn around however. There are strategies to consider if rain happened or will happen about where you choose to start and therefore when you reach the more dangerous parts of the river. There used to be a High-River bypass that stayed on the N and West side but I think it is long gone. I think people now simply walk on the FS road which parallel the Viles leg. Road walks can suck but so does drowning.

Another caution is around the Winding Stairs area. I was on my third hike, and first solo, and actually got "miss placed". I didn't have FarOut app, just the paper map. That area is camped in a LOT as there is a bend in the river there and is close to the Winding Stair parking lot. I wasn't paying great attention but was following the blazes. Until I ran right into the river and I wasn't supposed to. I didn't see a blaze. I knew to turn north and walked up the river. Nothing. I returned and looked in the woods to the north. No blaze. I started back tracking until I found the first blaze. I stopped and THEN looked north, to see a blaze about 50 yards to the north. I never saw any blaze angled like "Watch for upcoming left turn". Given that the area is even more used then before, it could be like that still.