Since various recipients of my DIY "GrizzBridge" have posted pictures and comments this spring, I've gotten quite a few questions about the hammock.

This weekend I put together what turns out to be 3 videos about the GrizzBridge, its suspension system, its half-length bugnet, a "how-to" on using hiking poles as spreader bars (both a monopole "Leki Sierra Photo", and a PacerPole are illustrated), and, well, just because, my DIY underquilt.

Getting to the punchline (otherwise would have to wait for parts 2 and 3), excluding spreader bars, the hammock package comes in under 14 oz. The UQ (used to low 30's F successfully) comes in at 8.5 oz.

Part 1 gives a quick run-down of the hammock, some tricks I put into the suspension, and the (1.65 oz!) half-length bugnet.

Parts 2 and 3 should be coming up tonight.