Hello everyone......new hanger here and would like to ask some questions about insulating your hammock. I have just purchased a Hennessy Hammock Deep Jungle XL which is IMHO an amazing product..... Both comfortable and simple, I have only hung in the backyard so far but am already in love. Looking forward to field testing soon and also plan on putting a review up on the forum soon. I am getting off point here back to my question........as I am new to hammocking I was wondering about the insulation requirements during the mid to late summer months. Do most hangers here use some sort of insulation all year or only when temperatures drop to certain points? I spent a lot of time researching hammocks and insulation on this site before purchasing my Hennessy and feel relatively well versed in the options available in the industry however am wondering more about the "when" most people use these available product options. If anyone has some insight into expected temperatures and insulation kit packed for trip it would be greatly appreciated. I know that this becomes a very personal topic...cold sleeper.....warm sleeper ect, just looking for some guidelines so that my first field test won't be disappointing and/or uncomfortable.