Hey everyone! The mod team has been discussing changing the motto for Hammock Forums and would like to enlist the help of the members. "Your number one hammock community" has served us well so far, but we think we can come up with something more catchy and memorable that will sum up our values.

What are our values? Respect, community and responsibility. Respect and community are pretty self-explanatory, but by responsibility we mean enjoying the outdoors in a manner that's safe for all of us and for the environment. To some people that means following Leave No Trace principles...whether or not that's how you apply it, I think we can agree that being responsible in the outdoors is a worthy value.

We would like members to post their submissions for new motto for the forums in this thread. Here are the rules:
- The motto should be short, catchy, and try to incorporate the values as much as possible.
- You can make as many submissions as you want.
- You can explain your motto when you post it, but please do not comment on anyone else's submission. All posts except motto suggestions will be removed.
- We will take submissions for 2 weeks and then the mod team will choose our favorite motto.
- If the mod team can't agree on a single best motto, we'll narrow it down to 2-3 options and post a non-binding poll for the members to vote on it.
- The winning submission will win some cool swag from the Hammock Forum Store.

This motto will go on the HF front page, on the titles of the HF pages you click on, and on select HF gear, etc. You'll basically be famous if you submit the winning entry!