Hello Everyone,

I'm Brand New here. So please don't throw sticks or make fun of me!

It took me a while to get my nerve up first to sign up on Hammock Forum for an account and now to introduce myself. But here it goes.

Hello my name is Paul and I live in Northern Ohio. I am heavily considering purchasing a hammock sleep system. Currently doing research for picking the best hammock and fit for me. I always loved the outdoors and took to hiking/backpacking and camping from an early age. I'm now pushing 50'ish and simplifying my life to do the things I enjoy the most, being outdoors and spending more time hiking and out in the woods!

With a Tarzan yell - "Love This Site", great information sharing and good people with loads of experience. "Kudos" to the moderator’s team, keep up the good work!

Hope you all have a safe and Happy New Years!

P.S. I've been taking on-line youtube hammock graduate classes from professor Shugemery. Thanks Shug, Keep them videos comin!