I am the mom of a Boy Scout who recently told me that he hates camping.

Ok Well He goes on nearly every camping trip available. Kinda odd for a boy who hates camping. So after a little prodding I discovered that he doesn't really hate camping. What he really hates is sleeping on cold rocky ground, getting wet and cold when the tent seams aren't sealed well in rainy/snowy weather, Dealing with heavy wet muddy equipment the next day, and carrying heavy tent poles among other complaints.

Enter mom... I got on the internet and searched for an answer to those camping problems. So here I am. I'm planning to make something like a Hennessy for his birthday. I don't have the funds to buy him a new Hennessy but I do have a very nice professional grade Singer 251-12. And I do know how to sew. But I have a LOT to learn about hammocks before I make an attempt. I know nothing.

Glad I found this forum.