OK, I am finally in possession of one of these babies and just starting to play. I already have some very positive impressions ( one very positive in particular) and a possible negative or two compared to the BMBH. ( as usual, I quickly became aware of a couple of relative pros AND cons). But before I even get into any of that- plus I hope to go to the woods this afternoon rather than making judgments with my flexy Vario stand- I have a quick question for Grizz anyone else who has used one of these nifty hammocks:
How far between the rings for optimal function?

So far, I have just adjusted for the "reverse banana". When I set my JRB BMBH according to JRB directions(either using a RL set for 9'6" between the rings, or setting it until the netting is tight and then backing off a bit), I usually can see that the center of the hammock is higher than the ends. There is a slight curve in the hammock when viewed from the side, in a reverse direction than the way a non-bridge hammocks curves.

So I have just adjusted the Grizz for that same curve, then maybe a little tighter to allow for Vario stand flex. And that feels about right, but maybe it will feel dif if set at some exact tension?

Or maybe I should just tie it to the trees with the old faithful 30* angle and let at go at that?