Edgewood River. Allegedly located somewhere in Marion Country, Indiana 46201.

You will find mention of the above location on interwebz lists of so-called haunted or strange places in Indianapolis\Indiana. There seems to be no such waterway, anywhere in the state. No listing under stream, creek, ditch, flowage, etc.

This has started to become a real itch for me to scratch for some reason. I'm not really interested in investigating the legend or "spook" factor, any further, but I would really like to know what's up with this. You don't usually lose an entire river.

I've scanned and searched web topos for Marion county, even some of the historical plat maps to no avail. The only thing I've found in the general area is the long snaking greenway that makes up Brookside Park on google Sat maps. There is obviously a small broken up unnamed brook or creek along parts of it, and even though it twists and turns for quite some distance, it couldn't hardly be considered a river by any means IMO.

It could also by this time, and I'm leaning this way, be completely filled in and developed over or buried even incorporated into the county's ancient deteriorating sanitary/storm sewer nightmare.

Who would know? How would you find out? Where to look? Who to ask?

Did pioneers ever use hammocks there? (to hopefully keep thread from being 86'd by Mods