I should have been at the Meriwether Lewis hang/Neo Hang but I got two sewing machines the hard way.
Sometimes we have to vent and here is about as close to family as I got left now. My mom had a massive cerebral blowout two days ago. Dead before she hit the floor, but brain stem kept the chest heaving for two days until I checked on her.
You know there are some sites that will burn into your brain a lasting horror and then there are HF family members like Wisenber who's been checking up on me-thanks Walter.
My mom was TOUGH-buried 3 of my brothers, 3 of her brothers, and my dad. She told me people come and people go, family comes and family goes-get used to it' and so she has. Viewing tomorrow, cremations Sunday, burial Monday. One would think it's over then but those who've gone through this know it's never over.
So this is my eulogy, to a woman who decades ago forged my dad's name to get me a trumpet at the local music store-he wouldn't even consider music in someones life.
Two sewing machines and one of them as old as she was when she passed through--all metal and seemingly made of lead.
And two more cats and two dogs.
Anybody need a 14 year old poodle that is essentially blind?
Anyway God Bless the Queen.