I think it costs $100/year or more depending on how much its used. I looked into it for work years ago but never went thru with it. It works great but I'm fine with just going to Google and using it the way described above.

Just a side note: as with any other forum, I always wondered how much new threads would decrease if everyone used the seach efficiently all the time. 25%? 50%?

For instance, how many "Sleeping bag as UQ?" or "Which tarp for my ____ hammock?" or "Calf ridge problem" threads have we had? I'm not making fun of anyone, heck, I'm guilty of one of these examples. But I don't necessarily see it as a problem either; it's nice to "refresh" some threads sometimes instead of just pasting a million links at a newbie asking a common question.

I guess it just comes down to a good balance of briefly answering the same questions and referencing a few "oldie but goodies" links. I've noticed Shug is very good at this, offering a quick answer and video to follow up.