Greetings fellow hammockers!

Hammocking and camping have been two of my favourite things to do for years. I just never thought of putting the two together! Being mostly a stomach sleeper I just never thought it was possible.

About ten years ago I decided I wanted a nice rope woven hammock with wood spreaders. Then I saw the price tag of over $300 and decided to make my own. I found a book by Denison Andrews, "Hammock (How to make your own and lie in it.)," and went to it. After the first I went on to make about half a dozen more for friends and family. I spent a lot of time just lying around in those days and even kept one strung up in my apartment for year round use. A hammock has always been a part of our household ever since.

Then about five years ago a work buddy was singing the praises of Hennessy and I remember being kind of jealous wishing that I wasn't a stomach sleeper. Then a buddy I camp with got one and this year I asked him to switch up for a night so I could give it a good try. I now know how hard that must have been for him! Anyway, long story short is I now get solid, comfortable sleeps out in the woods. Something I thought was impossible unless you spent several nights getting used to the discomfort of the ground first. So glad there's another way!

Anyway, really glad to find you people sharing all of your experience and knowledge here and thought I'd pop in and say thank you and hello!

Keep swaying!