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  1. #1
    SilvrSurfr's Avatar
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    This time I lost my bumper in the Pine Barrens 12/9-11

    Well, I finally made it to Lower Forge, or close to there. Pro Vagabond had already hiked in around two pm, and I arrived a little before 4 pm. Since the office was about to close, I got camping permits for me and Kayak Karl for Friday night at Lower Forge. I also got permits for me, Kayak Karl, Silent Orpheus & Dylan for Sat. night at Batona.

    Though I talked to Kayak Karl a couple of times on the cell phone, I decided to start hiking into Lower Forge at 4:30 pm. I got lost in the exact same spot I got lost two weeks ago. Since I had my compass, I just stayed on the road and headed due north, assuming the road would take me to Quaker Bridge. After a mile, the road dead ended and I had to backtrack.

    I called Kayak Karl around 6:30 and he had just arrived at Batsto. Since I was lost, I told him I'd hike south and meet him. Eventually, I found the Batona Trail north, and called KK to tell him I was proceeding north to Lower Forge. I arrived about 7:30 at Lower Forge, pretty good time considering I took about 2.5 miles of detour.

    I found Pro Vagabond about 1/4 mile east of Lower Forge. He set up there because the road to Lower Forge was flooded. I could smell his campfire for about 1/4 mile before I eventually found him. I called Kayak Karl a few times, but never got hold of him. I got a text message from Dylan that he wouldn't make the trip.

    Though there was no rain in the forecast, it started raining. I had to set up my Hennessy Hammock in the rain, which was difficult. I converted my Hennessy Expedition to whoopie slings this week, and the tarp to an independent suspension, but had never tested the new setup. It took me quite a while to get the tarp situated to provide adequate coverage. I finally got a warm meal in me at 11 pm and went to bed after.

    Since it was my intention to hike from Lower Forge to Batona, I called Silent Orpheus to see if he could give me a ride back to my car at Batona, but couldn't reach him. I therefore decided to hike back with Pro Vagabond to Batsto, get my car, and drive to Batona.

    On the hike back to Batsto, Pro Vagabond and I got lost, around the same place I got lost the previous night, and two weeks prior. We went about a mile out of the way and had to backtrack to find the trail. It made me feel good that Pro Vagabond, who was leading the way, got lost too. At least I'm not the only one!

    We lunched at the trail head to the Batsto Lake trail, and chatted with a ground dweller sporting some expensive gear. The hike down the Batsto Lake trail was beautiful, and from now on, that's the route I'll take from Batsto north because the views are stunning. The last two miles were brutal because I developed a blister on my pinkie toe. It threw my whole gait off.

    At Batsto, I bid farewell to Pro Vagabond and got driving directions to Batona. The directions took me down Speedwell-Friendship road, which was pretty flooded, but my rental car made it. When I got to Batona Camp, I immediately drove into a pile of Pine Barrens sugar sand and got stuck. A good Samaritan offered to push me out, but the deep sand ripped the front bumper cover off my rental car as I backed out of the sand. Of course, I didn't take out the rental insurance, and I had a real sinking feeling about then.

    Another good Samaritan showed up, and he knew how to reattach the front bumper. "Honey, go get my drill," he told his girlfriend, and he went to work on my car. Eventually, I figured out that the first good Samaritan was in fact Silent Orpheus, and both good Samaritans got my bumper back on. Thank you all - the rental car company never even noticed!

    Silent Orpheus and I set up camp. A gentleman with a camper came over and offered us firewood. He had about fifty pallets and some hardwood, and it was his last night of five he had camped and hunted in the Pine Barrens. At night another party arrived with 10 or 12 SUVs and jeeps, and they built a giant bonfire with the pallets, as did the guy with the camper. The flames were 15 foot high and we really thought the trees were going to catch on fire.

    Silent Orpheus had some pumpkin beer and good bourbon (I forget the name, but it was tasty). We took a midnight hike for a couple of miles, and when we got back, the camper guy had fired up a generator. We went to sleep with the noise.

    I was trying out my Hammock Gear 20* Burrow and Phoenix, and I was toasty till about 7 am. I woke up and my feet were cold, and one butt cheek was getting cold. When I got out to take a leak, there was a snowstorm on my face from the frozen condensation on the bug net and tarp. Sweet!

    I stuck a wool sweater under my butt, and a hand warmer in the foot box, and slept a couple of more hours, though my feet never really got warm again. The forecast was 27 degrees, but I think it got down to 25. Silent Orpheus had a 0 degree Hammock Gear Incubator TQ, but his feet got cold too. I'm thinking I need some down booties, or just stuff a fleece or sweater in the foot box. I had a ccf blue foam pad in there, but it didn't help.

    I hope it gets colder so I can maybe hit the Pine Barrens one more time before the NJ Winter Hang in January. I'd like to see something in the teens at least. It was great hanging out with Pro Vagabond and Silent Orpheus.

    I now have the confidence to do a pre-hike into the NJ Winter Hang next month. I don't think I'll get lost again because I've had too much experience getting lost and I know where the trail gets confusing. So whoever wants to do the pre-hike from Batsto to Lower Forge on Thursday, January 26, then on to Batona on January 27, I'm your guide! Oh, and I will not be hiking at night for the pre-hike.

  2. #2
    Senior Member JohnSawyer's Avatar
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    Very cool. At least stuck in the sugar sand, you still have your gear...

    Thanks for the vid! I think we should chip in and buy you a GPS for Christmas. I'm in for $5.

    Keep trekking, I'm jealous that you're getting out so much!
    "Do or do not, there is no try." -- Yoda

  3. #3
    silentorpheus's Avatar
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    Work kept me from being able to get out Friday night, so no hiking in happened on my part. Instead I drove to the Batona Campground on Saturday, and waited for people to arrive. The camp was mostly deserted, except for two trailers - a father and son and a family, both of whom had been there for a week, camping and hunting. The father and son were leaving that day, and bequeathed me their leftover firewood. I had arrived around 1 o'clock, and not knowing when anyone would show up (they were supposedly hiking in from another campground) I made myself some coffee and settled in to wait. Discovered that the old stove I had brought did not hold pressure, and was useless. It pays to test your gear, folks! Luckily I had my alcohol stove as backup, so all was not lost ... and the remaining white gas that I couldn't get poured out of the stove later helped to start a fire, so it all worked out.

    There was a brief episode with a strange guy who showed up in a jeep, chatted with me about trivial nothings, pocked around the family with the trailer's campsite while they weren't around, and left. Eventually SilvrSurfr showed up and got stuck in the sand, we got him out and his bumper back on. I found out that Kayak Karl was MIA and that Dylan couldn't make it, so we chose trees, hung our rigs, and got a fire going.

    We enjoyed some good drink, made some dinner, chatted about all manner of things, and around 7pm the jeeps and trucks started rolling in. We wandered off for a night hike, realized it was far too cold away from the fire, and eventually headed back. Had some dessert and made some cocoa, and filmed a little video:

    Gives you some perspective on how large the bonfire was compared to ours.

    I had my 0˚ Phoenix, and a DIY TQ. Got all tucked in, and realized my butt was freezing - realized that I had added a cordlock to the main shockcord suspension after the last time I used it, and never tightened it up. So after I got out and cranked it down good and tight, I started to warm up. I had a thermarest sit pad inside my top quilt under my feet, and two pairs of wool socks, but my feet were still freezing for most of the night. That's largely a result of the lack of insulation near the foot end in my TQ (the piece of climashield I used was a little too short) and the fact that my feet kept popping out of the hammock. All things to work on for next time - my Burrow will arrive eventually, so that's one part of the puzzle solved.

    By morning everything was covered in frost. I managed to coax the fire back to life, SilvrSurfr eventually roused, and we had a few cups of coffee each, some oatmeal, and eventually packed up.

    All in all it was a good time. I still need to work out some kinks in my hang. While it's better than sleeping on the ground, I still haven't quite dialed in a few things to the point that I can sleep soundly. Just need more practice I guess.

    Looking forward to the NJ winter hang now.

  4. #4
    SilvrSurfr's Avatar
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    Silent Orpheus - I nominate you Director of Adult Beverages for the NJ Winter Hang. After hearing some of your encyclopedic knowledge, I think you're the man for the job!

    Oh, and I had an idea for dessert. How about Bananas Flambe with Bacon? I'm not sure whether we should use cognac, rum, Bacardi 151 or Everclear in the recipe. Decisions, decisions.

  5. #5
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    Glad you boys had fun. SS, you are an adventure. Pulled your bumper off and got it fixed on the spot... for free!

  6. #6
    SilvrSurfr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JayS View Post
    Glad you boys had fun. SS, you are an adventure. Pulled your bumper off and got it fixed on the spot... for free!
    I think the bumper came off because Silent Orpheus was putting all his weight and strength on the front of the car as I backed up. He's as strong as an ox; no rental car can withstand his fury. I learned this later when he suggested we move a sitting log closer to the fire. I grabbed one end and him the other, but I couldn't budge my end. Disgusted, Silent Orpheus just moved it himself.

    The morale of the story is - don't let Silent Orpheus push your rental car out of the sugar sand in the Pine Barrens. He's like the Incredible Hulk!
    Last edited by SilvrSurfr; 12-13-2011 at 01:26.

  7. #7
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    Has it occurred to you yet to check your GPS a couple of times whenever you get near that intersection?? ;-) Nice reports guys, thanks.

  8. #8
    Senior Member FLRider's Avatar
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    Wow, the Pine Barrens really don't like you much, do they SilvrSurfr? I'd like to think that after three different mishaps on three different trips to the same place that I'd be smart enough to avoid that area afterwards...but...probably not. I'm stubborn.

    Looks like you guys had a good time, and I'm glad that everything worked out well. At least you won't be surprised by, well, anything short of the Russians dropping out of the sky to ruin breakfast when you go back on out there next month...

    Seriously, though, good on you for persevering through difficulty and continuing to have a good time. Thanks for sharing.

  9. #9
    all secure in sector 7 Shug's Avatar
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    Those do look like some piney woods that swallow a feller up.
    Love your perseverance!
    Whooooo Buddy)))) All Secure in Sector Seven

  10. #10
    Senior Member Dos's Avatar
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    my first trip report I have read on these forums.
    omg- the entire trip is unforgettable!

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