So our website is back up and running. There have not been any changes made other than updating the "guts" a little and moving it to a new home.

There will probably be some little bugs crawling around so bear with us. Feel free to shoot me a pm or an email if you find anything. Yes, I am lazy so anything you guys find...and I KNOW you will look, will help me out. If you do see any weird stuff, let me know what browser you are using.

Now that the site is at least viewable, we are going to start changing it up slightly. We want to add more features and pages. I am also going to be doing a long awaited video series that will cover pretty much everything I can think of. These videos will be short and sweet and to the point. I am not much of a showman. Heck, I will probably try my hardest to get someone else to do Anyway, those are a few things to come.

Thanks for your patience everyone!
