This is my first hammock, a eno doublenest, and I love it. Well my 2 and 9 year old love it more than I. So now I have been looking at hammock camping. I see that you can get more comfort for less weight. For me that is great. I am the only true pack mule for a family of 5, including myself) and trying to get a good trip out in the woods takes a lot of prep. With hammocks the setup time is cut down greatly.
At the present time I am using towing straps for hangers. I have come up with my own idea though. It may not be as light as these whoopie slings people talk about, but it will be as light or lighter than d-rings(I hope :-) ). I will post my idea when complete.
It is great to meet you all. Will be in asking a lot more question in the future.