a good 10yrs ago my mother took me on a "treasure hunt" hike she found on a scrapbooking website where they had a capsule hidden in a remote location. it contained a logbook with all the names of those that had found it.and the map was on the site.
so heres my idea. lets take this idea and expand on it. i will place the first capsule in missouri during the next group hang i am attending. i will make a "treasure map" leading to its location. it will contain a logbook and a "pif" style item for the next finder. each finder will sign and leave a pif for the next finder.
different levels of difficult and diversity of locations could encourage hammock hikers to explore new places. place a capsule in your "hidden paradise" and share it with those cunning enough to find it. any interst in this? i think it could be very cool. especially in locations with annual hangs.