Am I the only one ? Had all hot blistering summer to work on the rig and here I am trying to get everything done in the last few days before our hang next weekend. New Fronkey bugnet today to replace the TED, had picked up 5 yds 28" of thulle which was too short. Exchanged for 7 yds and got $6.20 back in change! Made the Fronkey and probably dropped a few oz. Then had to go back to the old PLUG and gained those few oz. back. Still have to load the food bag and need to plan on a birthday cake for Grinder in the Dutch Oven. Envy those that can be satisfied with one rig. Tomorrow invloves voting, lab work at the doctor, finalizing kit, and a trial run on Grinder's cake and tire work on the Sherpa to tote everything. Wednesday rest up for the weekend! I love it, first hang of the season!