When is your trip? Is it a year from now that you're training for or have you already done that and are ready to go? If you aren't in a hurry and I hope you aren't because choosing the right rig for your personal needs is a process. Something you have to decide by trying out diff. configurations and testing in the field.
The best first move is for you to attend a hang where folks are gathered so you may actually see hammock rigs and try them out. One of the biggest hangs of the year is about to happen in about 3 weeks in Florida! If you can get to Buck Lake in Ocala National Forest between 17-22 you will have a plethora of rigs to check out and many folks to get all the info you want to help make the many decisions you will need to make before your trip.
I am an active sleeper too and I also started out in a ENO Doublenest. I loved it but at the time it was all I could afford. Now I have upgraded to a longer hammock and I can sleep better on my side, which I prefer. And of course the suspension that comes with the ENO has a lot to be desired. It's heavy, the Slap Straps stretch even though their new Atlas Straps aren't suppose too but they still take up too much room in a pack. The Guardian Bug Net is very bulky too and is heavier than others out there. I have no experience with ENO rain flies except that I know the fabric they are made of does not pack down as small as a Silnylon tarp or other fabrics preferred by backpackers like Spinn or Cuban.