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  1. #1
    Senior Member headchange4u's Avatar
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    Planning: Red River Gorge Gathering

    This is the thread for planning a gathering in the Red River Gorge sometime in the near future. I will keep this thread edited with a list of attendees and other info. Once everything is finalized I will post the info on WB and a couple of other sites.

    Here's some info on the area:

    You can see some pretty nice 3D trail maps of the area here (Click on Download):

    Right now I am looking at the weekend of May 4-6 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) but the dates are completely flexible. Feel free to suggest other dates. I have to work on Saturday April 7 & 28 and May 19. April 13,14, & 15 is the SEHHA gathering in Hot Springs. We may want to pick an alternate date in case of severe weather.

    I would also like to get suggestions on spots to camp if you are familiar with the area.

    As usual we will have a hot dog dinner on Saturday night. I will bring the hot dogs if other want to volunteer for others items (let me know if I missed something):

    Ketchup, Mustard, Relish
    Potato Chips
    Paper Plates (burnable)
    Side items (Baked Beans, Chili for hot dogs, Desserts, etc)

    I would also like to take the chance to invite those who may be interested in hammocking who do not have the gear yet. I should be able to get together a full setup if anyone wants to use it.
    Last edited by headchange4u; 03-21-2007 at 08:18.
    “Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it." -Terry Pratchett

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Ewker's Avatar
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    how does this sound for a weekend trip

    I hiked this last Nov. and it was a great hike. This is just a suggestion. I prefer to backpack than base camp I have maps that show where the campsite is.
    here is my pics if you want to see what it is like

    This will require a shuttle between the parking lot at the suspension bridge, and Martin's Fork Trailhead. The hike starts at Martin's Fork Trailhead and passes by Gray's Arch and a few other nice views. It is a challenging 5 1/2-6 miles to the campsite, with rugged terrain and steep climbs. The campsite is on a sidetrail just before the junction with the Pinch 'Em Tight/Sheltowee Trace Trail, and overlooks Pinch 'Em Tight Gap.

    Friday night we could likely camp near Martin's Fork trailhead and then we can shuttle cars Friday night or Saturday morning.

    To get to the martins fork trailhead: get off the mountain parkway at slade (exit 33) (make sure to get your park pass at either one of the gas stations here). take highway 15 north (towards stanton). after a few minutes, turn right onto highway 77. after several minutes, youll go through the nada tunnel, after which the road starts winding steeply downhill. after it levels off, youll see the parking lot for the trailhead on the left. the trail is just before the parking lot, on the right. the site that i want to get is just a few minutes in, just after a small wooden footbridge. however, there are lots of sites in the vicinity if that one is taken, and we may end up at one of those.

    For those of you arriving Friday night, when you get to the trailhead, hike in about a quarter mile. if its available i'll be at the large campsite immediately past the small footbridge (not the one just after the trailhead). plan on getting up around 8am saturday morn, packing up, and then shuttling cars. anyone who needs maps or park passes can then stop at the visitor center and get them. then we head back and hike.

    For those of you arriving Saturday morn, be there by 9am, for we should be hitting the trail shortly after that. hike in to camp about a quarter mile and we will leave from there once we are all together.

    its about 2 miles from camp to grays arch. this is a good place to take our first break. one tough mile later, there is a side trail leading about .2 off the main trail to some cliffs with an excellent view. if the weather cooperates, this would be a good place to stop for lunch. about a half mile after that is our final chance for water, at rush branch. fill up here, because camp is about a mile and a half away. we then make the third and final major climb of the day. at the top of the hill, just before the junction with the sheltwowee trace, is a sidetrail to our campsite. it goes back about a mile to another fantastic view. id like to camp as close to the cliffs as possible, but there are lots of sites to camp along the trail if the best one is taken.

    sunday morn, we may get wet, as i believe i have crossed right fork when it was a couple of feet deep. its not a dangerous crossing, but you might get wet, so i advise bringing a change of clothes for after the hike. shortly after, the rough trail splits off from the sheltowee. we will follow the sheltowee (blazed with a turtle) back to where the suspension bridge spans the red, and then to our cars

  3. #3
    slowhike's Avatar
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    nice pictures ewker. that's a beautiful place. unusual rock formations (& holes).
    i'd like to try & get out there.
    I too will something make and joy in it's making

  4. #4
    Senior Member Hooch's Avatar
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    Ewker, totally cool pics! Although I live about an hour away from the Gorge, I've never been there, but would love to go this year a time or 2. Trach Collar and I are talking about going some time during the week for an overnighter, maybe. We both work weekends right now, so we can get away during the week and avoid the crowds for now.

    HC4U, once spring comes, I'll be changing my work schedule to work every other weekend or so, instead of every weekend. That should give me time to get out there a lot more than I can now with my current work schedule. I'll keep ya up to speed about dates I'm available as soon as I know more. I think the Gorge would be a fabulous place for a good trip of a night or 2, even longer if we want it to be. I'm looking forward to it!

    Tim, I think I posted in another thread that if you want to come up and go to the Gorge with us, you'd be passing right by Lexington. You've got a standing invitation from me to leave your truck at my place and ride in with me so you can rest for the remainder of the trip. Hope you can go with us some time! That offer stands for anyone who wants to take me up on it as well. Just let me know in advance.
    "If you play a Nicleback song backwards, you'll hear messages from the devil. Even worse, if you play it forward, you'll hear Nickleback." - Dave Grohl

  5. #5
    Senior Member Hooch's Avatar
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    Almost forgot, I can supply a complete ENO SingleNest setup for anyone who doesn't have a hammock and wants to try one, all they need to supply is underbedding (pad or what have you) and a sleeping bag, or whatever else they choose to stay warm with.
    "If you play a Nicleback song backwards, you'll hear messages from the devil. Even worse, if you play it forward, you'll hear Nickleback." - Dave Grohl

  6. #6
    Senior Member Hooch's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=headchange4u;10369] (let me know if I missed something):

    "If you play a Nicleback song backwards, you'll hear messages from the devil. Even worse, if you play it forward, you'll hear Nickleback." - Dave Grohl

  7. #7
    Senior Member headchange4u's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by headchange4u View Post
    (let me know if I missed something):

    DOH! (slaps forehead)
    “Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it." -Terry Pratchett

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  8. #8
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    Someone else off random weekdays. Let me know if you have something planed in the next couple of weeks. I would be interested in getting one more overnight in before I leave. As long as a have some notice I can get off any day I want to during the week.
    Is that too much to ask? Girls with frikkin' lasers on their heads?
    The hanger formly known as "hammock engineer".

  9. #9
    Senior Member headchange4u's Avatar
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    NCPatrick also suggested the Clifty Wilderness area. I found a photo gallery of that are on the Sheltowee website. Beautiful scenery. Just another option I thought I would throw out there. Here's a link to the gallery:
    “Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it." -Terry Pratchett

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  10. #10
    Senior Member NCPatrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by headchange4u View Post
    NCPatrick also suggested the Clifty Wilderness area. I found a photo gallery of that are on the Sheltowee website. Beautiful scenery. Just another option I thought I would throw out there. Here's a link to the gallery:
    Just for clarification, I've never been to Clifty, though I would like to go. I had just been reading about it online. Thanks for posting the gallery link, it makes me want to go there even more.

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