I have decided the JRB BMB hammock is going to be the next in my collection and my primary camping hammock. I know there are some issues with bridge hammocks and tarps. My plan is this. When I order (next few weeks) this hammock I am going to use it under a typical blue painters tarp. I have zero experience with tarps and hope hanging a few nights under a cheap tarp will help me find likes and dislikes before buying a real tarp. These are my questions.
1. Any advise to make hanging under a painters tarp more enjoyably? Any tips? I know it can be noisy and hard to get tight but this will be a temporary thing. Weight will not be an issue because I will be car camping.

2. Any advise on a good tarp that fits the JRB BMB hammock?

My typical camping trip usually involve bad weather. In the winter I head north to camp in snow. In the summer we get monsoon season which can be windy and lots of rain. I want something big enough to accommodate the bridge hammock without the spreader bars rubbing much on the tarp. I would like it big enough so I can cook, and relax under it in bad weather. Money would be a bigger problem than tarp weight. I would also like a tarp that seals up really good to prevent wind from blowing snow, rain, and especially sand in. I've been looking at the JRB and Speers winter tarps. They seem like they would be big enough but the turn off is the "doors" dont seem to close that much. Having zero experience with tarps I dont know if thats a big deal or not? Anyway any help would be much appreciated. Hope this order is not to tall to fill.

P.S I dont sew. A DYI is not an option for me