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  1. #1
    Senior Member pgibson's Avatar
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    Alpine Lake, Sawtooths, Idaho

    Well I got to take my son camping and hiking over the last couple of days. The past few weeks have been a mad house of DIY work on his hammock, my tarp, and everything else. Along with ordering a bunch of new gear. So first off I ordered him a Grand Trunk Ultralight, some new no-see-um netting, zipper, webbing, and tri rings. Here is what I came up with...

    We drove up to the Sawtooths on wensday evening just in time to set up a camp as it grew dark. I had a lot of new stuff to give an initial test to. First my new BB, only been here about a week and have only set it up inside, it was great. Then my new DIY tarp, finished it last saturday, still going to be playing around with it a bit, mostly just need to make a stuff sack for it. Next, on Wensday just before we left my Golite ultra 20 quilt showed up just in time, very cool(but in a warm way) much eisier in the hammock than a bag. And last variable to the kit and my arch nemesis on this trip my new pice of 1/8"cc foam. I had big hopes that 1/8" would be enough for me but alas it was miserably inadequate to keep the chill out in the high mountains. I was supper comfortable, my top half was toasty warm but the mountain blue butt began to really take a toll on me about 4AM. By 5 I grabbed my son from his hammock and retreated to the car to thaw. He said he was fine but I figured if I was cold I should get him in and run the heater for a bit to warm us up.

    After such a cold night I deiced rather than hiking into the woods for an overnighter with no extra insulation it would be best to just day hike and then retreat to lower (hoping warmer) elevations for our second night. So we loaded up our packs with some gear and snacks and headed down the Iron creek tail towards Alpine Lake.

    We hiked through dense pine forests on wonderful trail for hours.

    Eventually the forest opens at a large meadow with views all around looking up to the ring of peaks surrounding the valley.

    From there we returned to the forest and the real up hill climb began, as the trail switch backs its way up the hill side for several hundred feet of elevation gain. From there you continue through more dense trail along the hill side until you pop out into a large open meadow step bordered by a quick easy stream crossing on thin logs. This meadow was in full bloom with summer wild flowers of all kinds, colors and smells.

    And views of the surrounding and much closer peaks begin the really impose themselves on the breathtaking landscape.

    From here the trail again begins to climb a steep series of switch backs that seem to go on almost indefinitely as they climb

    to a small ridge were the trail forks, one branch continuing on up to Sawtooth lake and the other dropping down a bit to Alpine lake.

    We set up our hammocks along the bank of the lake and ate a lunch of salmon, cookies, and pepperoni sticks wile swaying in the cool breeze. It felt great to put my feet up and lay back and relax after a good hike.

    We hung out at the lake for a couple of hours before deciding to head back to the car for dinner.

    After getting back to the car we drove a couple of hours closer to home and set up for the night late. It was clear as could be so I decided not to pitch the tarps, I laid awake for a little bit watching the stars and leaves in the trees. We again both sleep great in our hammocks. But again early in the morning I began to get chilled on my lower side. I hung in there and pulled my quilt in a bit tighter and waited for the sun to come up. Again WD, my son said he was fine, and warm all night, I never heard a peep from him till the sun was up.

    We had a great spot to hang, amongst the aspen trees and tall grass, And I got to take some time to play some with how to hang the BB in the daylight. We had breakfast and hot chocolate and broke camp and drove the last 40 miles home.

  2. #2
    Senior Member gRaFFiX's Avatar
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    Very nice trip report pgibson.

    You know I have to point out a few ironies with you... First that the scenery looks alot like the backcountry I grew up camping in here in NorCal, so I have to say It's gorgious. Second, that my Dad lives in Twin Falls, is also a hiker (working on converting him), and gushes about the quality of your backcountry. And third, my mother's last name is Gibson. Thought it was pretty funny.

    You really took some awesome pictures, and I was curious what kinda camera or secondary equipment you are using? I particularly like the one of your son standing just off the trail on a rock and looking off to a distance. Very good eye. Keep up the posts and the pics. Thanks
    Those who expect disappointment are never disappointed.

  3. #3
    Member Tiki's Avatar
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    Nice photos!

    Thanks for sharing with us.. and more importantly with your son. Looks like you had a good trip.

    Makes me miss the Rockies.

  4. #4
    Senior Member pgibson's Avatar
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    Hey gRaFFiX, LOL I have a buddy in Twin that I have done some day hiking with and have been talking about getting into a hammock. He wants to check out the BB I got a couple weeks ago. I was using the other pice of new gear that I neglected to mention, a Pentax E70 camera to shoot all my pics. I used to shoot semi-professionally with Pentax SLR gear but we have been wanting a new compact for hiking and getting pics of the kids around the house. To be honest I am not sure if I like the camera at all. I seamed appealing cause it uses AA batts and was only $100, but I think it is a bit slanted on the get what you pay side a bit more than the great quality I have always seen from Pentax. The lens seems to have a lot of distortion all around the edges, and the "macro" focus is more like a "kind of close focus" at 1-1.5 foot as close as it can get. We might send it back and save for a bit better one. I really like the "W" series from Pentax but at $300 and running on a rechargeable batt(just don't know if I can get enough life out of it for longer trips without carrying 2 or more) I just don't know what we will do.


  5. #5
    Senior Member Frawg's Avatar
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    Super post, Paul. Great scenery, great time with your boy. Doesn't get much better!
    - Frawg

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  6. #6
    Senior Member Perkolady's Avatar
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    I always enjoy reading trip reports where folks take their kids!!

    Thanks for the report and the wonderful photos- spectacular scenery!

  7. #7
    Senior Member BillyBob58's Avatar
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    What can I say?

    I wouldn't have had much faith in 1/8". But, it sounds like all you needed was an additional small sit pad.

    What did your toasty warm son have for under insulation?

  8. #8
    Senior Member gargoyle's Avatar
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    I'll agree with graffix, very nice pictures. Don't have a pro eye, just know what I like.
    Ambulo tua ambulo.

  9. #9
    Senior Member animalcontrol's Avatar
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    NOW THAT is a happy hikin MAN (the pint sized one!)
    I love pics of the wee lil ones enjoying nature with their parents...your a lucky man Paul...don't ever forget that trip!
    and the scenery is breathtaking...WOW
    "Every day is a new day to a better future"
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  10. #10
    all secure in sector 7 Shug's Avatar
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    I have many so....
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    Wow ...... lucky kid! Lucky Dad!
    I wept as I read .... OK ... kidding , but that is really something to share.
    I think it is fairly common to wake chilled somewhere around 4AM ...... whether under or on top. Learned to keep a outer-layer ready to slip on if I wake to a chill .... usually up to pee at that time so I just slip it on and don't deny it and back to slumber. Luckily my under is always warm .... it is usually my top. Had that in tents as well.
    Just a camping reality in cooler temps but so worth being out in the piney woods cuttin' some z-z-z-z-'s.
    Whooooo Buddy)))) All Secure in Sector Seven

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