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    Senior Member BillyBob58's Avatar
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    Speer advantages?

    I have read more than once from several folks here that they much prefer their (usually homemade) Speer type over HH. I have, and really like, both. Some such as Neo and Miguel prefer a Claytor to either one! I'd like to know specifics re: why some of you prefer hammocks types other than HH.

    Since I also already have and like my SuperShelter, that is a good incentive to stick with the HHULAS Explorer. Since I'm not sure how well an asym supershelter would work with the Speer, especially since it is sized/designed to fit over spectra, not webbing.

    But, forgetting for the moment about customer relations and patents and such, for those who prefer a Speer type, I'd like to know what your reasons are.

    It seems to me the huge advantage to the Speer is being able to reach out of the hammock. I also like the potential of the PeaPod, though I have never been able to commit, probably because of prices, and because I have been able to make the SShelter quite workable( on the HH only).

    Some might feel the top entry is superior, but this seems a wash or personal pref to me, as I am able to easily able to hop in or out of Speer or HH with about equal ease. I think the bottom entry might be an advantage if pitched with the ridgeline tight against the tarp ridge for maximum weather resistance. I can see that the top entry would be an advantage if the hammock was hung extra close to the ground.

    I used to think there was a huge advantage to the Speer when it comes to lounging/chair use. But, I finally learned to use the HH this way AND figured out to hang it kind of loose for chair use, which seems to get rid of most of the discomfort from the ridgeline. Or, just put a jacket between me and the ridgeline, though hanging it loose works better. If I do this, the HH might actually be a superior cahir, since it gives me a nice flat surface to sit on, instead of being down in a bathtub.

    If I am going to use the SPE with a pad, it is easier to just sit down on it with the Speer. But a pad is also quite workable with HH, just not as quick and easy as a top loader.

    Once in the HH, it definitely seems more wide open and spacious, with zero shoulder squeeze. But as long as I hang the Speer with adequate sag, there is no real shoulder sqeeze problem, there is just no extra shouder room. But the extra width in the HH is not really very useable anyway, since everything sinks to the low point! But the extra space just seems a little more pleasant.

    And if the Mosquitos are serious, I can see it would be better to hop into the HH from below, and have the thing quickly snap shut with netting all nicely in place, intead of having to hassle with getting the velcro lined up to close the netting on the Speer. If they are not a problem, I can save some weight with the Speer by leaving the net behind.

    Anyway, so much for my observations of pros and cons Speer vs HH. For those of you who have used both and definitely prefer your speer types ( including homemades? ) and have left the HHs behind, I'd like to know: why? What are the primary advantages of the Speer that have made you switch from the HHs? Is comfort a factor? Or is it just a strong personal pref for something I've already mentioned?

    For those of you who prefer your homemades, does that usually mean "Speer type"? And if so, is there any advantage other than cost and fun to your homemades? Like custom sizing making them more comfortable than a stock Speer?

    For that matter, if there are some here who have used both and definitely prefer HH, I'd like to hear your reasons also. I think both are fine products, with pros and cons. And maybe the Claytor is better than either?

    And then there are the new ones coming(maybe?) out from JRB and Warbonnet? )

    Funnything is, some folks here strongly prefer Speer type. But 5 or 6 folks at reviewed a HH, and unanimously declared it by far the most comfortable hammock any of them have used! ( However, I'm not sure how experienced all of those folks are as hammock hangers)
    Last edited by BillyBob58; 05-23-2007 at 17:31.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Frolicking Dino's Avatar
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    I found the HH very difficult to exit. Even before TH behaved as he did at TD, I had already decided to move away from the bottom entry hammocks. I also found the bugnet to be more in my way and I could never get nearly as comfortable as I did in either the Warbonnet or the new JRB hammock. I can find the sweet spot in a Speers on my back or either side pretty easily; not so with the HH. I was limited to my back or right side only in a HH. YMMV

  3. #3
    Senior Member BillyBob58's Avatar
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    Thanks, Dino!

  4. #4
    Senior Member FanaticFringer's Avatar
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    I have both a Hennessy and Speer(non DIY). I have not taken the Speer on an actual trip yet but have layed in it often at home. They are close to being equal as far as overall comfort to me. I love the bottom entrance but could see a benefit to top entrance when my SPE is being used. I dont care for being able to reach something out the side of the hammock. Short arms.
    Hennessy wins in buggy weather IMO because I'm not a big fan of the Speer velcro enclosure. I'm also thinking of buying a top cover from Hennessy for the coming cold months and this would be another reason for my preference of the Hennessy. Might work with a Speer though. I did modify my Speers suspension system (as well as my Hennessy) with ring/buckles. Basically just undid the webbing, turned it around, and attached spectra to the hammock. No need to sew a loop in the webbing. Already had extremely fortified stitching.
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  5. #5
    slowhike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BillyBob58 View Post
    I have read more than once from several folks here that they much prefer their (usually homemade) Speer type over HH. I have, and really like, both. Some such as Neo and Miguel prefer a Claytor to either one! I'd like to know specifics re: why some of you prefer hammocks types other than HH.

    Since I also already have and like my SuperShelter, that is a good incentive to stick with the HHULAS Explorer. Since I'm not sure how well an asym supershelter would work with the Speer, especially since it is sized/designed to fit over spectra, not webbing.

    But, forgetting for the moment about customer relations and patents and such, for those who prefer a Speer type, I'd like to know what your reasons are.

    It seems to me the huge advantage to the Speer is being able to reach out of the hammock. I also like the potential of the PeaPod, though I have never been able to commit, probably because of prices, and because I have been able to make the SShelter quite workable( on the HH only).

    Some might feel the top entry is superior, but this seems a wash or personal pref to me, as I am able to easily able to hop in or out of Speer or HH with about equal ease. I think the bottom entry might be an advantage if pitched with the ridgeline tight against the tarp ridge for maximum weather resistance. I can see that the top entry would be an advantage if the hammock was hung extra close to the ground.

    I used to think there was a huge advantage to the Speer when it comes to lounging/chair use. But, I finally learned to use the HH this way AND figured out to hang it kind of loose for chair use, which seems to get rid of most of the discomfort from the ridgeline. Or, just put a jacket between me and the ridgeline, though hanging it loose works better. If I do this, the HH might actually be a superior cahir, since it gives me a nice flat surface to sit on, instead of being down in a bathtub.

    If I am going to use the SPE with a pad, it is easier to just sit down on it with the Speer. But a pad is also quite workable with HH, just not as quick and easy as a top loader.

    Once in the HH, it definitely seems more wide open and spacious, with zero shoulder squeeze. But as long as I hang the Speer with adequate sag, there is no real shoulder sqeeze problem, there is just no extra shouder room. But the extra width in the HH is not really very useable anyway, since everything sinks to the low point! But the extra space just seems a little more pleasant.

    And if the Mosquitos are serious, I can see it would be better to hop into the HH from below, and have the thing quickly snap shut with netting all nicely in place, intead of having to hassle with getting the velcro lined up to close the netting on the Speer. If they are not a problem, I can save some weight with the Speer by leaving the net behind.

    Anyway, so much for my observations of pros and cons Speer vs HH. For those of you who have used both and definitely prefer your speer types ( including homemades? ) and have left the HHs behind, I'd like to know: why? What are the primary advantages of the Speer that have made you switch from the HHs? Is comfort a factor? Or is it just a strong personal pref for something I've already mentioned?

    For those of you who prefer your homemades, does that usually mean "Speer type"? And if so, is there any advantage other than cost and fun to your homemades? Like custom sizing making them more comfortable than a stock Speer?

    For that matter, if there are some here who have used both and definitely prefer HH, I'd like to hear your reasons also. I think both are fine products, with pros and cons. And maybe the Claytor is better than either?

    And then there are the new ones coming(maybe?) out from JRB and Warbonnet? )

    Funnything is, some folks here strongly prefer Speer type. But 5 or 6 folks at reviewed a HH, and unanimously declared it by far the most comfortable hammock any of them have used! ( However, I'm not sure how experienced all of those folks are as hammock hangers)
    i need to take the time to figure out how to break up a persons quotes into sections<g>.
    i'll try to add more later but the main reason i like the speer type top entry is that i often spend a lot of time in the hammock, especially when i'm by myself. i'm often reaching for something, water, mocha, food, the stove, a book, taking off or adding clothing, etc. with the top entry i can do this w/ ease.
    i used to have stuff on the ground beside me. then i started using a gear hammock. now i'm using the storage end covers. but either way i can reach stuff w/o getting out of the hammock.
    but also, i can reach the same stuff when i walk up to the hammock, w/o having to go inside.
    but a big thing for me is that i absolutely LOVE to lay in the hammock & have a clear view of the world around me... no bug net.
    i also make my top entries about 50" wide so the sides don't come up so far for the same reason.
    and the spreader bar helps w/ that even more.
    but the hh is extremely comfortable. a friend felt the same way about liking the way his hh laid but didn't want the bug net unless it was actually needed, so he had me cut the netting off. he likes his hh that way.
    i recently had an opportunity to try out headchange's hh clone & it was really comy. and it gives the option of bug net, 1.1 rip stop, or nothing. ...tim
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  6. #6
    Senior Member headchange4u's Avatar
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    I have always thought that HH had a slight advantage over Speer types in the comfort dept. I do think the Speers are very comfortable, but the HH feels better.

    When I first got my HH I really liked the bottom entry method, but after the hassle of getting in and out (it does become a slight hassle after a while, IMHO) and trying to adjust my gear while in the hammock, plus that added fact that you basically have to exit the hammock to get to anything outside of it I started thinking about wanting a top entry hammock with the feel of my HH. I also really like side tie outs on the hammock to open it up inside. That's why I went on a mission to combine traits I liked from each hammock into something that's perfect for me.

    If I had to pick one hammock from a Speer type or a HH I would probably go HH.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by BillyBob58 View Post
    For those of you who prefer your homemades, does that usually mean "Speer type"? And if so, is there any advantage other than cost and fun to your homemades? Like custom sizing making them more comfortable than a stock Speer?
    Many people are now making Mutt Hammocks, incorporating the features they like in several manufacturers. My hammock is 70/30 (Speer/Hennessy). I like the top entry of the Speer and the roll whipping and structural ridgeline of the HH. I don't use tie outs, and I like removable bugnets. Some guys sew in a zipper; some use a Claytor style bugnet. I use the Mirage's draw string method. And I'd rather have a bigger tarp than a HH.

    As Brian Frankle said, "If you learn to sew you can make whatever the Hell you want."
    Last edited by funbun; 05-23-2007 at 19:33.

  8. #8
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    I spent probibly 20 nights in my HH and around 20 in my Speer. I parted way with my hh. Mainly b/c I hate having gear laying around that I do not see me getting any use out of, but that is a different thread.

    I like the way the hh laid. I think it is hard to beat for quick and easy bug protection. I really like the top loader Speer. That is what sold me on it. I can jump in, move around, sit as a chair, lay with my feet propped up on one side, and I can prop up my head on the side.

    In the end I like the Speer style with the hh roll whipping. I think that gives me the best of both worlds. I can pitch tighter and lay flatter without the shoulder squeeze using the roll whipping.

    I have pics of what I use in my gallery.

    I think that you could rig up an external pad with a speer style. It would be interesting to try at the very least. As long as I have an UQ, the 22" walmart pad is wide enough for me. I just throw it in with me.
    Is that too much to ask? Girls with frikkin' lasers on their heads?
    The hanger formly known as "hammock engineer".

  9. #9
    slowhike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by funbun View Post
    Many people are now making Mutt Hammocks, incorporating the features they like in several manufacturers..
    mutt hammocks<g>... i like that
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  10. #10
    Senior Member BillyBob58's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TeeDee View Post
    Like my Safari the best - It has the advantages of both the top and bottom loader since the bug netting is removable...... Since I used 1.9 oz DWR ripstop, the weight is just slightly less than the ULBA.......
    By the way, making the bug netting removable on any HH is easy, just take the plunge and you have both a top and a bottom loader all in one.
    Did you make this Safari yourself, or is this the standard HH Safari model? With removable netting?

    I would love to make this netting removable, but taking the plunge is a bit scary! So, what, you just cut it off? And then what? Is there a thread somewhere telling exactly how to do this?

    Thanks everybody for the opinions/info. Keep it coming! Neo, isn't that Claytor (sp?) better than either HH or Speer?

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