I'm looking to make a tarp that can handle higher winds than my current DIY one, but unsure of the best shape / pitch to go for. It needs to be able to cope with simultaneous 60mph gusts and heavy, driving rain, sustained over a period of several days, without the tarp failing or moving in ways that expose the hammock to the rain.

I would like to avoid cuben fiber - it's too expensive.

My current tarp is a 12 x 10 DIY with a catenary ridgeline and edges.

I have one of Dutch's socks, but would prefer to avoid relying on this for weather protection, as sitting or getting out of the hammock requires pushing the sock halfway down the hammock and exposing the underquilt - if I was relying on it, then the UQ would get soaked.

Lightweight is important, but it's more important that the tarp not break in high winds.

What sort of thing would you guys suggest for this?