Hello all we ordered an Xlg Brazilian.


We also ordered an adjustable stand they suggested but the stand isn't tall enough for the hammock so we are going to order smaller ones as soon as we make sure whats been messed up on the 1 st order is all worked out. Its been a little bit of confusion so we are waiting til it all gets worked out before ordering anything else.

Adjustable stand we ordered


Anyway we are going to order this one , well probably 2 of them cause they are the shorter of all so maybe we can be sure that it won't touch the base again.


In the Xlg even my bottom touches when I lay in it and I only weigh 125 to 127 lbs. Hubby is about 225 so he really bottoms out more than me.

Anyway now for my questions.
First off you can cut the fringe off the hammocks edge with out messing up the hammock , right?
We have cats and can't have the fringe hanging down.
And we were hoping to cut the fringe off the edging so that we won't have to worry about the cats and the fringe.

And now for my main question.
The ropes/ strings ( not sure which you would call them or if they actually have a name they are called ) on the hammock we bought are not all straight. The are mixed up within the haning knot and hubby says he doesn't see a way to get them straightened up so I wanted to ask if this is normal for the string/ropes to be mixed up and not totally straight on the hanging part of the hammock.

They were like that when we unpacked it and we were very careful to take it out slow and even so that we didn't mix or knot anything up just in case but they were already mixed up.

Any ideas , suggestions or anything would be greatly appreciated.

Oh forgot to mention that we really have no way of hanging it from our walls.
The way our room is set up we have a sliding glass door which totally takes out one wall and then we have a widow on another wall which messes that up too and our room is actually to wide across to hang from one wall to another .
And one of those walls is not a supporting wall so we weren't sure if it would work even IF we could get it across there anyway.
Any suggestions or help that we might not know about hanging on a wall would be Greatly appreciated cause we might be looking at it all wrong .

We plan to keep the one we have and hanging it in another room or outside maybe later but IF we could use it in our room that would be Wonderful.

The kitty that sleeps with us in our room really really seems to LOVE the hammock already so I think we have a true hammock kitty! And she doesn't drag her bottome but she is only 6 lbs worth so big difference.

Anyway any ideas, suggestions, recommended sites that might help or anything else would be Greatly Appreciated.