I would like to give hello to all just came across this site last night.
I live in northern Canada have used hammocks for most my life except when it's been really cold.
Sleeping in a lean to is a better choice in -40 Celsius but I have done -40 Celsius in a hammock you can survive wind is a big factor.
I have a Hennessy hammock A system end a scout for my son I have you some of the military models from way back but overall a Hennessy hammocks have been my preferred choice. I've also freelanced with search and rescue where the Hennessy hammock always gives me a place to sleep and also in a military background.
I spent until four o'clock in the morning looking at your site needless to say I ran the day half awake.
My typing skills are very poor so I enlisted Dragon NaturallySpeaking I have had a major glitch on it so sometimes I miss the spelling mistakes.
I hope to get to collaborate with you all on different sleeping arrangements and how you'll keep warm or cool and your setups.
I had a look at your map for Google and was quite surprised that there was not too many people in Canada.
always willing to correspond and exchange ideas

Sgt. Splatter