With the weather cooling off a bit here in the foothills of the Smokies, I've been playing around with some of my hammocks. I've got a weekend backpacking trip coming up, and I thought I'd try some of my lesser used hammocks in the old corporate testing facilities (backyard between tulip poplars). Saturday was in my Travel hammock ATTH with a 1/4" GG pad. Sunday was in my Travel Hammock Skeeter Beeter Pro with the same GG pad placed inside the bugnet and turned upside down. Monday was my Travel Hammock Skeeter Beeter UL with the GG pad folded into a 1/2" thick 30"X40" pad placed in the bugnet and again upside down. ( All of those seemed to work pretty well into the low to mid 50's with only a fleece blanket over me except the Skeeter Beeter UL.

So Tuesday night rolls around and I was staring at some spurious gear in my gear room when I got bored enough to combine an old JRB WS2, 4 yards of IX and some clothes pins. Basically I was just sitting and wondering if IX affixed to the sil/ripstop JRB WS would work by just using the shock cord WS suspension.

I laid out my WS on the table and attached the four folded yards of IX to the WS using four plastic clothes pins. I then proceeded to hang my Speer between the two big tulip poplars in my backyard then attached the WS with IX to the Speer hammock with the JRB suspension kit. It is in high 60's shortly after midnight. I laid in it the hammock for a couple of minutes in my khakis and gold shirt and immediately got HOT.

It is supposed to get into the lower 50's tonight. I think I'll go out back and see how it works.