I pondered on whether this should go in the tarp section or not but decied to put it here. A mod can move it of course.

I live in the UK where it can be pretty windy in the wilds, and I use a ridgeline under my tarp every time. I can get a very tight pitch, it sheds rain well and protects against wind, but takes a little time to rig exactly right re height over the hammock etc.

I've seen a number of posts and videos (warbonnet guy on his site setting up a tarp) where you just attach one end to one tree with a short length of line, and the same on the other end ie no ridgeline at all. How does this hold up in bad weather? Does the tarp not press onto the hammock in strong wind? What happens if it snows in the night? Does the snow not collect and press down on the tarp?

Just wondering if this is a general difference in weather between our respective countries, or if I can save time and not bother with a ridgeline at all...