Hey there all! Wanted to thank you all in advance for all the great info here. I figured it wasn't very neighborly to lurk without introduction, though I think I'll keep my thoughts to myself for the time being, at least until I get a feel for the place.
A bit about myself, I'm between jobs which means lots of time for gear research but no budget for toys, so I'll be content with learning for the time being. I mostly car camp due to the poor selection of backpacking near me, but that does happen once and a while. (between the snows!) Alberta is home now, but a move down under is in the works, so I'm doing my best to set myself up with the gear for down there, and decide what to leave in storage here, while still getting the most out of this season.
As the handle suggests I'm into all sorts of gear and gadgetry, from high tech, to the tools and skills of yesteryear (I'm young but not many generations removed from those who settled this land with horse and plow)

Thanks again all, looking forward to getting to know ya!