I see so many posts about insulation. So my question is...

Should I make a quilted hammock? I mean, why carry so many separate things? I could just go 3 inches (or whatever) wider on the bottom layer, throw in some batting, and quilt the whole dang thing. It would just be another hammock. I am going to make more anyway... "huh, this feels nice. I like how this feels, and it's not too stretchy. Y'know what? This would make a great hammock..." lol.

I could sew in a top quilt "flap" shaped to the hammock, and even throw on a footbox. Just lay on it if I get warm.

Only reason I am thinking about this (and I am plenty busy sewing other stuff) is I like dealing with fewer things, suspension, insulation-wise.

Has anyone done this already? If so, did it suck? It would be heavy, but a top quilt, underquilt can't be light or tiny, either. I'm not talking about a sleeping bag / hammock. I mean a dedicated winter ubershelter.