
Recently widowed so have time now to get back into motorcycle camping. In asking friends about tents and such, one asked why I don't check out hammocks? So here I am to learn more about them.

I'm impressed with what I've seen so far and enthused there's folks making their own. Back in the day I made my own Frostline tent, parka, vest, mittens and so on. I hope to find a design that will work well for me. I don't have a load of space but weight won't be a concern on a bike since I won't be hiking more than a day away from parking the bike.

If there are others in Minnesota that are making their own and have a meetup or some such, please PM me and let me know. It sound's like a perfect winter project, and local resources for material would be good. I think I have a source for the zippers, but will have to check.

Looks like a great forum, I'm eager to explore.

Thanks all!

Steve J