Figured I would start a trip report going.

Well we had a great turn out. Going into it, we knew we where heading into some rain for the weekend. I think our optimism was just some rain, not the constant rain then flash flood warnings for the area. Friday was absolutely beautiful. The guys that came up Thursday found that our original meet up site at Seaton Creek was closed for logging, so we switched to Slagle Creek. This turned out to be a really nice place to camp as a group. You'll be able to see the great spots when others post up some pics. It got pretty chilly Friday night. Supposed to get down to 31 degrees. Weather forecast called for rain by 7am. Sure enough, started hearing drops hit the fly by 6:30. Paul from Underground Quilts had set up one of his Winter Tarps for a place to cook, eat, and just hang out. Great call because it got used. So most got breakfast and hung out at the fire. A group went off for a little soggy hike. By 1:00pm I started looking at the option of packing up. By 2:00, Bloomgorge, Questrek, and I started breaking camp. By 4:00pm, most of the group had given up on the idea of the rain letting up and started packing up also.

Not sure if anybody stuck around, but hopefully they where able to make it out on the 2 track we drove to get to the site.

It still was a good time. Got to see some of the great folks we have here in MI. And meet some of the recent newbies here in MI and IN.

