I can't believe that I'm going to say this but, I read a great deal of articles on this here forum last night that I forgot to go to I am so exhausted this morning and I hope I don't fall asleep at work or any where's in between.

Oh don't tell me I am hooked already into this hang stuff.
Since I joined I have already purchased my second hammock and I wasn't happy with the ASYM Tarp that comes with the HH Expedition I purchased the Hexagon style to boot.

I also found a video on The GrizzBeak and have bought two of them too. I went out the other day and picked up 2 mountain climbing biners. I also went and picked up My Blue Foam CCF Mat. Will the need to have stuff ever end It took me most of the morning to type this and I forgot to post it.

It's an amazing concept and it turned my camping on the ground for many years to an elevated perspective....... go figure! Anyone else get hooked so easily?