I'm only posting this because I know you guys will appreciate my frustration. As I mentioned in my first thread, my son, who has special needs, was a big part of the impetus for getting my hammock in the first place, but I also wanted to use it for solo camping. So, I replaced the rope loops and s-hooks in the gathered ends with homemade whoopie slings and figured out a way to hang it from the underside of my kids' loft bed when not camping (looped the sling on each end around a corner of the bed and back on itself - held in place with a toggle - in this case one of those non load-bearing carabiners so there's no chance of it slipping out). It hangs pretty high, but we have another bed under the loft bed, so my son can climb in easily, and if he falls out, he has something soft to land on. Well, he liked it alright. He used it as a swing, laying in it sideways and pushing off the wall with his feet back and forth. I wasn't too worried, because I didn't think there were any sharp edges for the slings to fray against. But, as soon as he got out, I went and inspected them, and sure enough, one is already badly frayed! I haven't even spent a single night in this hammock yet, and already, part of the suspension is ruined - ARGH!

I'm going to cut out the frayed part and see if there's enough cord left to convert it to a UCR. Then I'll have to figure out some other easy way to switch it from inside mode to outside mode without using the whoopie slings for the inside hang. I'll also hang it as low to the bed as I can without it scraping, that way he won't be able to swing it so wildly.