Not sure if my terminology is right here, but I know the various seams I want to use (flat felled for the ridgeline, etc.) but I'm wondering what people have found to perform well on their sil in terms of stitch length (and width, if you use a zig?) and the like.

My wife claims her sewing machine is the bee's knees... she quilts alot, so at the very least it works well for her purposes: All i know is that it looks to have *alot* more options than the last sewing machine I used. She has made it very clear that she is going to give me very thorough instructions before she lets me have free use of it... but I'd like to at least be able to say "I'd like to use such and such a stitch for this part with this stitch length, and preferably that stitch width."

Am I way off my rocker here or are there good parameters to stick with here?

Fortunately, there is 50% chance of rain all weekend long here in chicagoland... which means there is a 50% chance I'll be staying inside all weekend working on this tarp!