View Full Version : Quick Shakedown with my new Blackbird XLC 1.7 DL!

05-16-2015, 18:05
Bought a used WBBB XLC last week to replace my Chrysalis. bridge. Took my boy with me for a quick shakedown. Had a hard time getting him out of it! I told him that he was inheriting my GT Ultralight, but he was not quite as impressed. Pretty sure I'm going to love this thing, once I get it dialed in. My fears of shoulder squeeze are gone. Bugnet is plenty high above my head. The shelf is going to be great-even my son kept talking about how cool it was--he sees it as a big bookshelf! 70+ today so too warm to test out the poncho liner I hope to use for a topquilt. My Thermarest prolite pad wasn't sliding around in the pocket, but wasn't quite where I needed it either. Not liking the suspension buckles, though. Very hard to adjust for me.

What are your thoughts on a light, easy to adjust, suspension? What about hammock anchors?

All-in-all, I am very pleased!


05-16-2015, 19:46
Awesome that you're loving your new 'mock. Good luck keeping your son out! lol.

05-16-2015, 23:19
I replaced my cinch buckles with whoopie slings. I made mine but they can be purchased online.

Here is a good instructional if you didn't already know how to make them.


05-17-2015, 09:00
You will really enjoy that XLC and will be in constant battle with your son from taking it! I personally have a Whoopie suspension on my XLC which is very easy to adjust. I would recommend whoopie suspension or Dutch's cinch buckle suspension, both very easy to adjust. If you are considering weight as a determining factor, whoopies are lighter.

05-17-2015, 09:11
He is a smart feller....grab a book and take over Dad's hammock!
I like whoopie slings myself but these days there are many suspension options.
The buckles get easier to use with a bit of practice.

Watch this video on buckles at 1:25



05-18-2015, 17:57
Thanks for the vids, Shug! Brandon does make it look easy. Been vowing to go to whoopies, but seriously considering switching the stock buckles out for my ring buckles that are dead easy to adjust. I've been using carabiners for so long that I actually forgot that I didn't have to have them until I hung up my WBBB and realized that it didn't have them! I'll save a couple ounces on my ring buckle set up by ditching them.

05-20-2015, 10:33
THe more you use them the more you will get use to them. I did not like mine at first but after 4 nights and a few day hangs no problem now.

05-20-2015, 10:42
I tried Brandon's buckles and had the same problem after many trips. I switched out to Dutch's buckles and have great success. I prefer the buckle system over woopie's. Everybody has their own likes and dislikes but, I did switch out a buddies ring system to the Dutch buckles and he loves them as well.

05-23-2015, 08:03
Agreed, I got mine with the buckles and I am not crazy about them. They look easy enough just not as smooth as I had hoped. Will probably go the whoopie or ring route as well.