View Full Version : AZ -- Sedona weather in December?

06-06-2015, 22:39
What kind of weather can I expect to find in/near Sedona in December (early, mid, and late ... if it makes a difference)?

I'm from the east coast (North Carolina's Outer Banks) and am thinking of doing some hiking near Sedona during the month of December. Any advice would be appreciated. Temps, precip, etc? Thanks.

06-06-2015, 23:48
While you're waiting, peruse these-
https://www.google.com/search?q=What+kind+of+weather+can+I+expect+to+find +in%2Fnear+Sedona+in+December&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS513US513&oq=What+kind+of+weather+can+I+expect+to+find+in%2F near+Sedona+in+December&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8#q=What+kind+of+weather+can+I+expect+to+find+in+S edona+in+December

06-07-2015, 19:26
check out

you can click on the various years

I love it up there that time of year we now live in PHX

few weeks ago up near williams (near flagstaff) we were out and it was freezing rain and hail and never did warm up and had a lot of rain all 4 days ? the forecast was not supposed to be like that :) first time since we moved here we have had weather that stayed kinda yucky that way and was that far off the norm

but that WU link and viewing the years will tell you the most :)
great place you are going to love it !

06-07-2015, 19:30
Thanks to both responders for the help. Sedona, here I come!

08-05-2015, 13:38
You are going to love Sedona. I went to school in Northern Arizona and spent countless months growing up in Sedona.

The weather is generally in the 50 to 60 degree range in December during the day. It does get chilly at night, but it generally stays above freezing.

Storms can roll in with little warning though. It may be a beautiful morning and by noon you could find yourself in the middle of a freezing rain storm and hail. (This happened to my family when I was a kid - it is actually the best family hiking memory I have to this day though.)

If you are from the east coast the weather will be a walk in the park for you. It really is quite nice and having lived in OR for several years I love hiking when the weather is in the 55 -70 degree range. Unfortunately this rarely happens now that I am in TX.

I hope you have a great time! It true is an amazing place. My wife and I have talked several times about relocating there.

08-05-2015, 20:52
You are going to love Sedona. I went to school in Northern Arizona and spent countless months growing up in Sedona.

The weather is generally in the 50 to 60 degree range in December during the day. It does get chilly at night, but it generally stays above freezing.

Storms can roll in with little warning though. It may be a beautiful morning and by noon you could find yourself in the middle of a freezing rain storm and hail. (This happened to my family when I was a kid - it is actually the best family hiking memory I have to this day though.)

If you are from the east coast the weather will be a walk in the park for you. It really is quite nice and having lived in OR for several years I love hiking when the weather is in the 55 -70 degree range. Unfortunately this rarely happens now that I am in TX.

I hope you have a great time! It true is an amazing place. My wife and I have talked several times about relocating there.

You have told the truth, Bro! Anything can happen out there that time of year! I will never forget the time I was down in the desert outside Sedona (in 83 I think) sighting in my .308 rifle for Elk season. I wanted to get back up to Flagstaff in time for dinner(quail I hunted in Sedona) and to watch "The Day After" (about a nuclear strike on the USA) with my girlfriend, which means it was Nov. 20, 1983. It had been a beautiful day earlier, but as I was finishing up, a light drizzle started down in Sedona. (down relative to Flagstaff,like 3000 ft). So I packed up and headed towards Flag through Oak Creek Canyon. As I climbed steadily through the canyon, the wind picked up and a light layer of snow covered the road. When I got to the switchbacks at the far north end of Oak Creek Canyon, the snow was a couple of inches deep and several cars trying to get up to Flag were spinning out. I got out and helped push some back on the road. These folks were up from Phoenix and asked if they had any chance of making it. I told them I doubted it, as they had a big steep climb and the snow would only get much worse every little bit additional elevation they gained. They all turned around. I just happened to have 4 brand new Michelin Snow tires on my 4wd blazer, and I headed up the switchbacks. With steep cliffs on each side of me, I admit to being a bit nervous. But I had zero trouble. By the time I go to the top of the switchbacks, the snow was a good 6" deep on it's way to 1 or 2 feet before the storm was done. I think there was even a little snow down in Sedona before it was done.

Obxh2o, the key to your question is "in/near Sedona in December". In Sedona proper, or the surrounding high desert at the same or lower elevation, you can expect occasional lows in the 20s during cold snaps but usually not that cold, and much warmer in the day. Usually with clear blue skys, usually. Every mile up closer to Flagstaff or anywhere higher in elevation, anything goes. Much more frequent lows in the 20s or colder ( on that Elk Hunt I was sighting my rifle in for, about Thanksgiving or so, I think it hit near zero with 2 feet of snow. I was trying to camp in it) and lots of snow. Not usually that bad, but quite possible. Average temps in Sedona will be 10 to 15*F warmer than in Flagstaff in my experience. Hope that helps.

G Maurice
08-05-2015, 22:43
Some years back three of us when backpacking up a side canyon off of Oak Creek Canyon in late November. We were going to stay two nights, but it snowed a foot or more the first night and it was still falling the next day. While we were prepaired for the cold we didn't have the right gear for that much snow, we bugged out while could still walk without snowshoes.

08-05-2015, 22:52
You are going to love Sedona. I went to school in Northern Arizona and spent countless months growing up in Sedona.

The weather is generally in the 50 to 60 degree range in December during the day. It does get chilly at night, but it generally stays above freezing.

Storms can roll in with little warning though. It may be a beautiful morning and by noon you could find yourself in the middle of a freezing rain storm and hail. (This happened to my family when I was a kid - it is actually the best family hiking memory I have to this day though.)

If you are from the east coast the weather will be a walk in the park for you. It really is quite nice and having lived in OR for several years I love hiking when the weather is in the 55 -70 degree range. Unfortunately this rarely happens now that I am in TX.

I hope you have a great time! It true is an amazing place. My wife and I have talked several times about relocating there.

yeah brother don't move to texas and expect the weather to be friendly lol. grew up right near the border in the permian basin and that lil corner of new mexico can see some seirously ugly and strange weather patterns. im talkin 95 degree christmases and freezing sleet rain in april.

08-14-2015, 16:57
What kind of weather can I expect to find in/near Sedona in December (early, mid, and late ... if it makes a difference)?

I'm from the east coast (North Carolina's Outer Banks) and am thinking of doing some hiking near Sedona during the month of December. Any advice would be appreciated. Temps, precip, etc? Thanks.

I live in Sedona. I'm usually in Co & Wy for much of Dec' but depending on when you plan on being here??? If you feel like company shoot me a mssg.