View Full Version : ViDEO: HAMMECK Portable Hammock Stand

11-04-2015, 09:18
Really been enjoying hanging my hammock in different spots now with the Hammeck Stand. What is truly nice is how it packs down so the portability is wide open.
Can't wait to use it at a bluegrass festival.
Set up is easy once you do it a couple of times.
Whoooooooo Buddy)))))))


11-04-2015, 09:21
Get ready for the orders to jump!

11-04-2015, 10:23
I've been debating whether or not to get one of these stands for awhile now, and this has pushed me even closer to pulling the trigger. Here in UT, we're not always guaranteed to have trees in the places I want to camp, and this would make for nice sleep when we car camp in treeless areas. Thanks Shug for another awesome video!

11-04-2015, 10:25
Great job with this! I L-O-V-E my Hammeck stand. It's been really helpful for scout camping when our troop or pack gets assigned a square in an open field.

11-04-2015, 11:45
I have two of them, we plan to use them on an extended road trip in the spring. Great pieces of gear, and as easy to use as Shug makes it seem.

11-04-2015, 12:32
Checked them out at the hang last weekend and we used them one night.
They are great and so are the Mecks !

11-04-2015, 15:11
Shug, great review, and the stand is very liberating! Do you get CBS in the water?

11-04-2015, 16:31
Excellent review. Never thought of hanging in the water.

The Meck's have a lighter weight model that has been rated at 250 lbs that they have been testing and plan to re rate it to 300 lbs. Forgot to ask if the bridge hammock extension will be available with the new weight limit.

The early models of the Hammered Copper Stand ( the one Shug is using is a newer one ) did not come with the end cap with the small hole and the small S hook. You have to attach the tarp to the large S hook on those.

You are right on about not hanging your tarp over the top of the stand as The Terminator had me set up her tarp over the ridge pole on her stand at the Grayson Hang and she got wet from the rain rolling to the bottom of the ridge pole and then drip drip on to her hammock.

I cut holes in some tennis balls and placed them on the feet of the stand to keep the sand and mud off the feet of the stand in wet muddy areas. Don't think they would help much if setting up in a lake :D

That Dutch binner is aluminum, not Ti. Dutch corrected me when I called it a Ti binner awhile back :lol:

Just got back from a hang where we had about 10 Meck stands in use.

11-04-2015, 17:07
Wow! Awesome! Something for a future purchase.

11-04-2015, 17:49
Any tips on purchasing my first mandolin? A, F, electric? I just love listening to you riff in these vids

11-04-2015, 18:08
What a great video! Shug, thank you so much for your candid and detailed review! We are very much in your debt!!!

11-04-2015, 18:20
Thanks SHUG. I have been wondering when you would do a Hammeck Stand video, and then voila, here it is.

Gotta start saving for one of these. Been to too many motorcycle rallies where the treed areas are all taken/reserved or expensive. Hayfield sites are available and cheaper, so the HS would work and pay for itself.

11-04-2015, 20:06
The Mecks are great folk. They'll do you right.

Here's a couple of their stands at our Halloween Hang last weekend.