View Full Version : Stephenson D.A.M. as a pad

10-22-2006, 16:07
I'm considering the purchase of a hammock and have a question. I currently use a Stephenson down air matress as a sleeping pad. It seems to me that it might work well in a hammock as well. Have this ever been tried, and if so, how well does it work?

10-22-2006, 16:52
Jeff had a DAM in his Crazy Creek hammock at Hot Springs a while back...seemed to do pretty well for him. Jeff?

Just Jeff
10-22-2006, 18:14
DAMs work great in hammocks...especially the larger Stephenson models. My Exped is narrow enough that I still need something for my shoulders/hips, like a SPE (http://www.speerhammocks.com/Products/SPE.htm), but the larger Stephensons are wide enough that nothing else is needed.

And that's a lot of insulation under you...it'll keep you very warm, and also keep the hammock wide open and help it lay flatter (on some models, at least).

One drawback is that it also raises your center of gravity. Can make some models more unstable (like the Crazy Creek) and reduce headroom in other models (like the HH). Not really a big deal, though...still a worthy investment.

10-23-2006, 07:44
How much does one of these weigh?

Just Jeff
10-23-2006, 09:31
Mine is 31 oz for full-length 2.8" of non-compressible insulation. It's the most comfortable pad I've ever used in a hammock. Close to an underquilt or insulated hammock. Not quite as comfortable, but close.

I think the Stephenson's are a bit lighter but I haven't looked at them for a while.

10-23-2006, 19:39
My Stephenson pad is 23 oz., my wife's is 17 oz.

Just Jeff
10-23-2006, 21:29
I'm guessing your 23oz is 74"x26"...probably big enough that you don't need a SPE. Your wife's might not be wide enough...won't know till you try!