View Full Version : I like building TARPS

10-05-2017, 12:08
I have too many DIY tarps, I find myself wanting to build another.

If you would like me to DIY one for you contact me. Terms would be you send me the fabric and parts including thread. Postage paid both ways. You could order a kit from one of our vendor's or Ray Jardine, have it shipped to me, then we would decide on shipping the finished product to you.

I have built four Gargoyle Orgami tarps, two winter tarps 12ft., plane old 11ft. with beaks,
three diamond shape and a couple of others with cat. cuts and two Asym.
**Seam sealing is up to you**.

10-05-2017, 12:26
Thats a very cool and kind offer. I may have to take you up on that. Would love a custom shaped one for my fence hanging. (think of an letter envelop with the top held up straight)

10-05-2017, 13:59

I'd really like a tarp like this http://www.seatosummitusa.com/product/?item=Hammock+Tarp&o1=0&o2=0&o3=698
Somebody on HF made one very similar/the same.

I think it would be great out of Membrane Silpoly https://ripstopbytheroll.com/collections/membrane/products/membrane-silpoly

edit: or Dyneema .51 :shades:

10-06-2017, 10:42
Just read your comment on my offer.

This note is just to touch base with you. I will send you a PM later today, from my computer.

The tarp from the link is interesting, however probably not particularly functional for real life use in the bush. Pretty and fun for light use such as an afternoon at the beach or a music festival. Not so useful for staying dry in a storm. I have some suggestions for a functional A Sym.

10-06-2017, 15:20
Thats a very cool and kind offer. I may have to take you up on that. Would love a custom shaped one for my fence hanging. (think of an letter envelop with the top held up straight)

I am not sure exactly what you are thinking of, show me a image.

10-08-2017, 00:10
Two projects accepted, please close thread.