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03-13-2019, 04:38
Well, I said I'd make an announcement back in November, but it took this long for me to decide, so here it is.

On November 10, 2018 I had a heart attack. This cemented my decision not to have a Black friday sale, as well as the roll out of two new quilts. Over the following days and weeks I debated what to do with Loco Libre Gear. My doctors told me to eliminate all stress from my life, but as you know that's a difficult task. I debated a number of options, including closing LLG, but that is off the table for now. In the meantime my daughter has really stepped up and worked hard to fill your orders in my absence. Unfortunately one person can't do the work of two, and quite frankly I've hated the long lead times, so I've decided to suspend taking orders to give us a chance to get caught up. As of Saturday, March 16, 2019 the store will be available to browse, but there will be no option to "ADD TO CART". Once we get caught up I will let everyone know and we will back at with much shorter lead times. My hope is not to be down for more than 4-5 weeks, but we will see. In the meantime all orders placed up until 3/16 will be fulfilled in the order they are received.

Also, please understand this is for my health - I won't be taking phone calls, as this will only slow the process down. As always you can reach us at [email protected]. I apologize for any inconvenience.

Jedi hanger
03-13-2019, 04:40
Get well soon George.

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Phantom Grappler
03-13-2019, 05:22
Do what is best for You and Your Family. No one knows the future, but your Doctor’s guidance can help set you on course through the unknown...
A short stroll, a nap in hammock, telling lies and laughing has helped me enjoy the world[emoji83][emoji560][emoji256][emoji41]

03-13-2019, 06:00
Really sorry to hear about the heart attack. Glad you're doing better now. Gotta do what's best for you! Take some time off and adjust. Get better, man!

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03-13-2019, 06:10
Take care of yourself first and get well soon! Prayers sent for you and your family!

03-13-2019, 06:37
Praying for you brother.

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Tyroler Holzhacker
03-13-2019, 07:49
Praying for your speedy recovery, and glad you are not closing LLG. Your quilts are the best of the best. Just my humble opinion. Be healthy, and heed the good doctor's advice!

03-13-2019, 08:06
Prayers and well wishes to you!

03-13-2019, 08:38
I understand how hard it is on you, to say the words. I must say that this post also speaks volumes about the small cottage customer service. You could have kept it private, or closed. I think I can speak for all of us that we appreciate your honesty.

I have no orders in so maybe I'm out of line here, but winter is pretty much over. i hope you can take care of things in a leisure way as you se fit. Eat healthy and get your excercise. Thank you for not closing, we lost one already this year. Godspeed Sir.

03-13-2019, 08:41
It's better to have you around not making gear, than to not have you around at all. I'm glad you're taking care of yourself. Prayers for you and your family, George!

03-13-2019, 08:42
Take care of the ticker George.
Life comes first.

03-13-2019, 09:21
It's always good to hear from someone who's had a heart attack as the alternative is, well not good. Get these orders out of the way and then enjoy some rest time for yourself. If there's anything we can do to help please let us know. The body has a way of letting you know when it needs some rest so heed the call and enjoy some down time. We need George around more than we need quilts. Get well and we'll keep you in our prayers.

03-13-2019, 09:38
You've obviously put a lot of thought into this and come up with a compromise that benefits all of us. You are a good and honorable man. Take care of yourself.

03-13-2019, 09:56
Get well soon George, I look forward to seeing you again. Maybe some hiking in the flat sugar sand will help you get back.

03-13-2019, 10:09
Take care of yourself, George. Regardless of your ultimate decisions for LLG, you’ll always be a big part of HF. Wishing you all the best.

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03-13-2019, 10:29
Hope you get a little peace and wish you a speedy recovery!

03-13-2019, 10:52
Sorry to hear of your health issues and I wish you the best possible and speedy recovery. I know the passion you put into LLG and your work, so I know you didn't make this decision lightly. I'm sure everyone understands and I hope you're able to get back to it in time.
My best relaxation often comes while I'm in my hammock, snuggled warmly in my beautiful pair of Loco Libre quilts. It does wonders for my mental health and stress and I certainly physically feel better after some time out. If you get a chance, you should try some of those quilts... ;)
Best wishes George

Two Tents
03-13-2019, 13:48
Hoping you recover completely and quickly.

03-13-2019, 13:59
George, I know this has to be tough, but you've made the right decision to get yourself well. You come first. I applaud your daughter for helping you and I'm sure she'll do a great job!

Take it easy and try to enjoy. Good thoughts for a healthy recovery.

03-13-2019, 14:56
George, Health and family first and foremost, I can only imagine the place you're in but I think it goes without saying you made the right decision for yourself. Cranking out the orders and killing yourself does no one any good. Business will always be there but your health may not. If there is any thing I can do for you please do reach out, we may be competitors but we are also human beings and lending a helping hand during times of need is the way it should be. Take care of yourself....

03-13-2019, 15:10
George, hang in there, and take care of yourself. Peace be with you and your family.

03-13-2019, 16:14
Everybody else has already said it better, but I'll bolster the sentiments. Take care of yourself first. Everything else is gravy. Best wishes on eliminating stress.

03-13-2019, 16:43
I'm wishing you all the best George. Happy you decided to take some time off. Take all the time you need. Thank you for all you have provided to us.

03-13-2019, 18:38
A slow stroll on the trail, ample fresh air and long naps in a hammock should do you some good. It’s a sad reality that making a living out of doing what you love almost killed you! Please take your time to heal and to figure out that work/life balance that will keep you with us for a while longer. You’re a heck of a guy, and a cherished member of our community.

03-13-2019, 19:04
Echoing everyone else's well presented sentiments. We appreciate you, and not only for your superb products. Stay healthy and don't spend a moment of stress on us.

03-13-2019, 21:51
Do what you need to do, and enjoy the process of getting better.

03-13-2019, 22:54
Sorry to hear about your heart attack. Your health comes first, everything else is contingent on that. I had a heart attack at 38; I just turned 65. Fortunately I have been able to lead a normal, full life and pursue all the outdoor activities I enjoy. Take your time, find the best cardiologist you can, follow their advice and you'll be fine. Best wishes for speedy and full recovery!

Grey Mouse
03-14-2019, 22:26
I had my last heart attack five years ago and I can tell you that keeping the stress low and setting a new pace for yourself will do wonders. Have no fear George. You'll not loose customers or friends from taking a much needed break. (warning-incoming joke) However, that being said...if you don't take care of yourself I'll have to come hunt you down and make you sleep in a tent ! That's right mister ! ON the ground ! :scared: So it's eat right, healthy short walks, and stress free time or else it's the ground for ya..tough love my man. Get well and best wishes ! :cool:

03-14-2019, 23:00
Get rest and get well. Nothing is more important than your health.

03-15-2019, 01:09
To be honest I've never purchased one of your under quilts but I know that you're part of the community and we"ll still be there when you're ready to come back.

The business will always be there, you have left your mark, life & family first.

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03-15-2019, 10:19
George, I’ll echo the sentiments of everyone else... Your health and family come first. Take a break - enjoy life and your friends and family. Definitely cut back on that stress...I struggle with that myself and understand how difficult this decision was for you to make. Take care of yourself.

03-15-2019, 10:42
Get well, sir.

I appreciate your honesty and transparency.

03-16-2019, 20:38
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Get well and we will keep you in our prayers

03-16-2019, 21:30
Health first. Make sure to get off your feet and lay flat. I recommend doing so by conducting lots of afternoon hammock studies ( naps ).

03-17-2019, 16:12
George, as one of your customers, I fully support your decision as everyone here does. You make a very high quality product, but your health comes first. Get well and recover. Bless you, brother.

03-17-2019, 16:56
Glad to hear that you are taking care of yourself first for your family. Three cheers to your daughter doing her best to get things done. She is a great Young lady. A tear swelled up in my eye when Paul from UGQ offered up some help. There are some mighty fine people on this here forum. Hope you have a complete recovery from that heart attack. We care about ya bud!

Hill Runner
03-18-2019, 19:10
Health and happiness is the most important.

I've been doing quite a bit of research on who out there makes the best quilts as I need to acquire one, Loco Libre is always mentioned by many to be one of the best ones and then you see the bags: they're beatuful. You can see the love and care put into them.

Please take care of yourself and hope everything goes well. I'm sure everyone in the community wishes you well and certainly understands.

03-19-2019, 19:53
I totally understand. please take all the time you need. Come back on your terms, or dont come back at all! live your life! I appreciate your contributions to the hammocking community.

03-20-2019, 11:49
Take care George. I feel lucky I got one of your fine quilts. Enjoy time with your family.

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y not
03-20-2019, 21:50
It's better to have you around not making gear, than to not have you around at all. I'm glad you're taking care of yourself. Prayers for you and your family, George!

well said!

Billy Goat
04-05-2019, 18:58
Oh, holy cow. George, I love the quality of your work and your customer service is second to none. I planned to order another quilt this year, and I will order once you are back up and running, but I am in no rush. That said, I wish you a speedy recovery and the lowest possible stress levels. Praying for you.

The Goat

04-06-2019, 09:37
Smart move. Take care of yourself and be well!

04-10-2019, 17:46
Wow, nothing like coming to the "party" late! I did not realize you had some trouble. I had placed an order on March 12th, and since you had stated you had a long wait list, I was just satisfied to have finally convinced myself to place an order, and then never thought another thing about it. I hope my order is not weighing on your mind. I have a one-man custom saddle and leather shop, and I full well know what being behind on orders does to a person's peace of mind and stress level. Please take the time you need, and give that old pumper time to recuperate. Best wishes!!

04-22-2019, 10:14
George....Hope you are well and feeling better!!

I noticed on the site April 21 was a tentative reopen date for orders. I have to have a few of your magnificent looking quilts, and was just wondering what the future looks like for Loco Libra?

04-22-2019, 12:55
George....Hope you are well and feeling better!!

I noticed on the site April 21 was a tentative reopen date for orders. I have to have a few of your magnificent looking quilts, and was just wondering what the future looks like for Loco Libra?

Site says May 21st for tentative date to reopen.

04-22-2019, 12:57
I’m dumb[emoji57]. Sorry to bother my eyes see May but my brain said April, just need some Loco goodness. Take care see you in a month

04-23-2019, 22:43
I’m dumb[emoji57]. Sorry to bother my eyes see May but my brain said April, just need some Loco goodness. Take care see you in a month

I saw the same thing, I kept thinking that Easter was a weird day to start back up

04-24-2019, 08:08
I’m dumb[emoji57]. Sorry to bother my eyes see May but my brain said April, just need some Loco goodness. Take care see you in a month

I think it was pushed back at some point. I had put on my calendar after the announcement to check that date in April to see if the site was open again too. Also, the initial post says he was closing March 16 and hopefully reopen in 4-5 weeks, which would make sense for the April 21 date.

04-24-2019, 19:49
Sorry guys, just saw this. Yes, we had to push back a little. My goal is to come out of this with a 2-3 week lead time (or less). This will be the 1st time we've been under 7 weeks in 4 years. Nothing stresses (and irritates) me more than long lead times.

Thank you everyone for being so patient!

04-24-2019, 21:52
George, please take the time that YOU need. I love your quilts and look forward to ordering more but I would only want to do so knowing that you are in a good spot and not rushing things. Perhaps take some time where you are not having the pressure of any orders to fill. We are here whenever you are ready.

04-25-2019, 03:09
Not your customer and probably never will be, but I wish you the best, take your time, enjoy your family and life. All the best from Slovakia :)


05-11-2019, 12:58
Sorry to hear this. I was out last night with one of your underquilts. I was toasty warm, and went looking to get one for my ten year old, who's just starting to get into camping with me and the scouts.

Get well, and I'll gladly wait until you open again.

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05-11-2019, 15:41
Get well soon. will order when you reopen

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