View Full Version : Canada>Central->EGL 2022 Spring - Paddle Back to Chicamoula - May 13-19th, 2022

01-22-2022, 17:38

EGL Spring 2022 > Paddle Back to Chicamoula

Hello all,

It's been quite a while since an upcoming EGL trip has been posted on the forums. Between concern over Covid, a respect for public health guidelines/restrictions regarding outdoor gatherings, lock-downs and even park closures, I think we've been sensibly cautious with small gatherings. But now, being fully vaccinated and boosted, I feel like this might be the right time to resume something I've enjoyed so much over the years; trout, stout and a few good louts.

It's with that in mind that I'm proposing "a scattering" or a "hang alone together" if you will. Algonquin's McIntosh is a fairly large lake with quite a number of campsites. If we book individually or in small groups, then we should be able to make social distancing a little easier. I've already booked for May 13-19th. At the time of reserving, the 13th was the earliest Algonquin was issuing backcountry permits.

So hopefully we'll have some interest in this. It'd be nice to get the EGL up and running again.

It'll be good seeing your responses either way.


01-22-2022, 18:34
I'm in & permit obtained. Whet Newdell might be able to join in the fun (he's a LTV ... Lake Trout Virgin).

01-22-2022, 23:13
Hi All, I am interested in doing some paddling trips with you guys. I have been a very mild "lurker" over the years and sounds like you guys have lots of fun. I don't know much about the area you are talking about. Is this a large paddle in campsite that accepts multiple reservations at one spot? How does this work? I love canoe camping. Will the ice be out at that time? (I guess it would or you would not be doing the paddle) Would like some info. Thanks.

01-22-2022, 23:16
The fabled land of Chicamoula!

The first EGL trip I ever considered joining. That year I chickened out, leery about meeting random strangers in the middle of the woods. That was a mistake!

This year looks like the stars are aligned! So looking forward to seeing familiar friends and new faces alike! Truly a fun and welcoming group.

I'm in, plus one at least. Permit obtained.

I did some backtracking to find some earlier reports. Linking here for your convenience.

2015 Chicamoula planning thread (https://www.hammockforums.net/forum/showthread.php/107720-gt-Canada-gt-Ont-gt-EGL-Spring-2015-Algonquin-Return-to-Chicamoula)

Bubba's 2015 Report (https://www.hammockforums.net/forum/showthread.php/153923-EGL-Spring-Canoe-trip-2019-McIntosh-Lake-Algonquin-Park?p=1970484#post1970484)

Chard's 2013 Report (https://www.hammockforums.net/forum/showthread.php/72593-EGL-Spring-Canoe-Hang-May-2013-Late-Thaw-Lakers)

McIntosh related report from 2018 (https://www.hammockforums.net/forum/showthread.php/149857-EGL-gt-2018-Canoeing-Season-gt-Sept-2018-gt-The-Hatfields-and-the-McCoys-Break-Bread?highlight=mcintosh)

01-23-2022, 00:50
Hi All, I am interested in doing some paddling trips with you guys. I have been a very mild "lurker" over the years and sounds like you guys have lots of fun. I don't know much about the area you are talking about. Is this a large paddle in campsite that accepts multiple reservations at one spot? How does this work? I love canoe camping. Will the ice be out at that time? (I guess it would or you would not be doing the paddle) Would like some info. Thanks.

Hi Tollermama,

Algonquin backcountry paddle-in sites are booked based on the lake you intend to stay on each night. Ontario Parks Reservations (https://reservations.ontarioparks.com/)

You pick your start date, your starting access point, and the lake(s) you want to stay on per night(s). This is personal preference, as you may choose to break up your trip by staying on different lakes, or get to one lake and stay there for the whole trip.

The booking by lake system means you don't get to pick a particular site on a lake; there are a set number of sites marked on each lake, and once you make a lake reservation, the site you get is determined on a "first to paddle in, first served" basis. If you don't get your preferred site on day one, paddle by the next morning and you may find the occupants packing up and moving on, opening up options for you.

Once you have a reservation on a lake, you can add up to eight more people to stay with you on your permit. They add fees per person and per parked car at the access point permit office before you set off.

It seems a little convoluted, but once you figure it out it's pretty easy to follow.

For this trip, the popular option is to start from the Canoe Lake Access Point (https://goo.gl/maps/vrA93UZG7XASSkVX7) (Grand Central for Algonquin), and wind you way north to McIntosh via Tom Thomson Lake and Ink L.
It's doable in one day from what I gather, primarily paddling through well traveled lakes and rivers without needing to portage until you reach the north end of Thomson, where you have a 2.3 km (1.4 mile) hike to Ink Lake. Based on the trip planning/reports I linked to earlier in the thread, it's a long but not overly complicated portage.

"Jeff's Map" is a popular map (https://algonquinbeyond.com/algonquin-map/#) that's used by many in trip planning. This is one site that has it posted.

Canoe Lake has lots of canoe and gear rental options available, as most of the local outfitters will deliver a boat to the access point, or you can rent (and pick up any last minute gear/souvenirs/lunch) right from the Portage Store at Canoe Lake.

If you are planning to join the trip, say so here and we can share more details on the particulars via PM or email. Given the rona situation, we're spreading out on multiple sites to reduce any risks. It's a very fun group to join, and you'll get whatever help/advice you need, so don't be afraid to ask!

Hope that helps!


p.s. This is planned opening weekend in May, and the ice-out reports are watched eagerly the week before the early Spring trips!

01-23-2022, 00:50
Hi All, I am interested in doing some paddling trips with you guys. I have been a very mild "lurker" over the years and sounds like you guys have lots of fun. I don't know much about the area you are talking about. Is this a large paddle in campsite that accepts multiple reservations at one spot? How does this work? I love canoe camping. Will the ice be out at that time? (I guess it would or you would not be doing the paddle) Would like some info. Thanks.

Hi Tollerman, welcome aboard. Massachusetts is a long way off!

To answer your questions, Algonquin books their "backcountry" permits by the lake, with the lake's actual sites being on a first come first serve. If you've managed to book the lake you're almost guaranteed of finding somewhere to camp. Ice-out; sigh... That's normally a critical question and has been the bane of many an early trip. This year the Park management has decreed that the "interior" opens on May 13th. Ice-out can happen anywhere from late April to mid-May. It's a crapshoot really and the park doesn't have the resources to constantly change permits as canoists played the ice-out game. Personally, I'm not in favour of their new solution, sometimes the old ways are the best ways, but that's best discussed with a scotch by a campfire.

Before Covid, we'd all try to camp on the same site, share pots of stew around the campfire and share stories into the wee hours of the morning. Now, I'm afraid I'd suggest that we try to limit the sites to small groups only. Of course visiting would be encouraged by we should really take care. Frankly I'd hope that everyone considering attending would have already been fully vaccinated and boosted. I don't think we've lost anyone yet, but we have to keep our guard up until the threat of this scourge has passed.

To get a feel for Algonquin, I'd recommend any number of YouTube videos, in particular those by Tumblehome.

Hope to see you out there.

P.S. LOL, BigGreenMoose beat me to the response but everything he said was spot on. If you have any questions, just fire away.

01-23-2022, 20:02
Booked for 13th-15th.

01-24-2022, 06:43
I’m new to Ontario as well and not too familiar with the Ontario parks system yet. Just for my better understanding: You all book separate permits and plan to stay at separate sites?

01-24-2022, 10:29
I’m new to Ontario as well and not too familiar with the Ontario parks system yet. Just for my better understanding: You all book separate permits and plan to stay at separate sites?Greetings BW! In Algonquin up to nine people can join a permit & share a site. When our group hangs exceed that number we try to find a couple of neighbouring sites. With the current situation (& several of us at elevated risk) our intention is to spread out a bit more, thus multiple permits & sites.

It is worth noting that even when sharing a permit/site, each person is charged a camping fee at whatever rate applies (child, adult, senior). Further, only the first vehicle attached to a permit is included. Additional vehicles pay a parking fee.

Can be a bit confusing, hope that helps.

01-24-2022, 16:09
Thanks much for the explanation KWK! Yes, a tad bit more complicated than what I’m used to for sure. If there’s somebody interested or feels comfortable enough to share a site I’d be happy to jump on that permit for a few days and pay whatever fees applicable ahead of time, so that nobody has to outlay any cashola on my account. Im fully vaccinated and boostered should that be of any concern and will be able to get myself there. I do a fair amount of solo camping these days, so it would be more of a social thing for me. If that doesn’t work then no worries as I’m sure there will be other hangs in the future…

02-01-2022, 16:44
MacIntosh is an ambitious destination but doable in one day if you set out early enough. I've done it but many years ago. Love your trip reports to Tom Thompson, I've been on that lake many times, again that was a few year back.


02-03-2022, 00:50
MacIntosh is an ambitious destination but doable in one day if you set out early enough. I've done it but many years ago. Love your trip reports to Tom Thompson, I've been on that lake many times, again that was a few year back.


Hi Dale, does that mean you're thinking of tagging along? Sounds like you're ready for a return visit to McIntosh. Besides, I consider anyone who's camped on that beautiful lake as a long lost relation and it'd be nice to meet you.

I've done McIntosh more times than I can remember, sometime trips easier than others, but it's just about perfectly positioned for a good day's paddle in my opinion.

When I was younger, considerably stronger and a fair bit more reckless, my buddies and I would think nothing of heading out from Toronto at midday on a Friday afternoon and paddle our three-man canoe for a few solid hours only to pull up on McIntosh with the glow of the sunset hanging over the horizon. Should be a good five hour trip for a typical motivated paddler.

Good times.

02-07-2022, 16:11
Hi Dale, does that mean you're thinking of tagging along? Sounds like you're ready for a return visit to McIntosh. Besides, I consider anyone who's camped on that beautiful lake as a long lost relation and it'd be nice to meet you.

I've done McIntosh more times than I can remember, sometime trips easier than others, but it's just about perfectly positioned for a good day's paddle in my opinion.

When I was younger, considerably stronger and a fair bit more reckless, my buddies and I would think nothing of heading out from Toronto at midday on a Friday afternoon and paddle our three-man canoe for a few solid hours only to pull up on McIntosh with the glow of the sunset hanging over the horizon. Should be a good five hour trip for a typical motivated paddler.

Good times.

I've been known to be persuaded quite easily in the past. Before the whole Virus thing struck, I hung out with a bunch of internet scoundrels that would car camp on the Grand on the May 24 and Whitefish campground in APP on the first weekend of October. We would do day trips but none of them were what I would consider canoe tripping. I have a feeling I could convince my wife to join in on this if she can get the time off of school. She uses an HH Exp Asym.


02-07-2022, 20:59
I've been known to be persuaded quite easily in the past. Before the whole Virus thing struck, I hung out with a bunch of internet scoundrels that would car camp on the Grand on the May 24 and Whitefish campground in APP on the first weekend of October. We would do day trips but none of them were what I would consider canoe tripping. I have a feeling I could convince my wife to join in on this if she can get the time off of school. She uses an HH Exp Asym.



It's a given that a "scattering" will be different from out normal 9 person per site group trips, but I'm sure that there'll be plenty of time for visiting.

02-08-2022, 23:50
I'm in! not a LTV. ;) (Lake Trout Virgin)

Permit acquired

02-19-2022, 23:42
Is the plan to stay on MacIntosh the entire trip?

02-20-2022, 14:43
Is the plan to stay on MacIntosh the entire trip?

Hi Quiet!

For the most part I was thinking of base-camping out of McIntosh and doing day trips to the surrounding lakes as the mood takes us. Granted six nights on one lake might get weary, but as you know, we're always open to options. There's been talk of perhaps starting the trip with a loop through Burnt Island (or even Big Trout) to cover some new ground.

Personally, I'd just like to sit on the front porch of Chicamoula and enjoy a glorious sunset with some friends again.

02-22-2022, 12:15
Well, the wife has green-lit this trip for me if I want to go, she won't be able to go so I will probably look at renting a Swift solo canoe. Just wondering what sites people are shooting for? I'm thinking I would shoot for May 16th to 19th as that would suit my job best. Do I register myself for 3 nights interior on MacIntosh? It's been a few years since I have done an interior trip to APP, so some guidance would be appreciated.


02-22-2022, 13:58
Well, the wife has green-lit this trip for me if I want to go, she won't be able to go so I will probably look at renting a Swift solo canoe. Just wondering what sites people are shooting for? I'm thinking I would shoot for May 16th to 19th as that would suit my job best. Do I register myself for 3 nights interior on MacIntosh? It's been a few years since I have done an interior trip to APP, so some guidance would be appreciated.


Hi Dale, great news.

Just register on MacIntosh and we can work out the "whos & wheres" when we get up there. We did a similar trip on Rosebary and there were groups of three or four dotted around the lake with people moving around a bit.


Just as an aside, I think I'll be giving myself a Covid-19 rapid antigen test (the "scratch the brain with a q-tip up the nose" one) the night before I head up. Not necessary, but probably appreciated. We're not out of the woods just yet imho.

02-22-2022, 15:12
Hi Dale, great news.

Just register on MacIntosh and we can work out the "whos & wheres" when we get up there. We did a similar trip on Rosebary and there were groups of three or four dotted around the lake with people moving around a bit.


Just as an aside, I think I'll be giving myself a Covid-19 rapid antigen test (the "scratch the brain with a q-tip up the nose" one) the night before I head up. Not necessary, but probably appreciated. We're not out of the woods just yet imho.

I hear you on the Covid Test, sounds like a good idea. I think I might just make that May 15th to 19th.

Edited to add, I have my reservation booked May 15th for 4 nights. Can't wait to hang out with you all!!!


02-24-2022, 22:58
I’m interested. I might only be able to do 2 or 3 nights, probably starting on the Friday night. Need to check the calendar.

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02-25-2022, 09:53
Just made my reservation.

McIntosh: 13, 14, 15
Big Trout: 16, 17
Burnt Island: 18, 19

Looking forward to seeing peeps again. Stay safe.

02-27-2022, 20:11
Hey KeeWay, what sort of cold water precautions do you take at that time of year? I've never paddled that early in the season.

02-28-2022, 14:50
McIntosh: 13, 14, 15
Big Trout: 16, 17
Burnt Island: 18, 19

Looks interesting. Paddling up Otterslide Creek might be challenging but nothing you haven't seen before.

03-01-2022, 10:25
To anyone, What sort of cold water precautions do you recommend? I’ve never paddled right after ice out.

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03-01-2022, 10:53
To anyone, What sort of cold water precautions do you recommend? I’ve never paddled right after ice out.

Tip#1 Keep the open side of the canoe up.
Tip#2 Don't daydream. Keep your eyes on the water (see tip#1).

Seriously, I think the most important precautions we take are simply travelling in groups and knowing our limits. To be honest we'll often strike out to cross large lakes right down the middle to save time, but that all comes down to weather/water conditions and who's paddling. Years ago I wore a shorty wetsuit when paddling in the spring but gave that up.

On our first few EGL trips we'd try to pair up novice paddlers with someone more experienced for safety's sake. How would you realistically rate your own experience flatwater canoeing? How many canoe trips have you gone on? How many of those were solo? Have you had to contend with wind and wave conditions that were really bad?

03-01-2022, 11:56
Think the best safety tip for cold water, is stay close to shore .... that trumps most every thing else. Getting out of the cold water is the main concern, following shore can add a bit of time, but it also means you can usually get out of the water in a few minutes and regroup safely there.


03-03-2022, 08:45
Tip#1 Keep the open side of the canoe up.
Tip#2 Don't daydream. Keep your eyes on the water (see tip#1).

Seriously, I think the most important precautions we take are simply travelling in groups and knowing our limits. To be honest we'll often strike out to cross large lakes right down the middle to save time, but that all comes down to weather/water conditions and who's paddling. Years ago I wore a shorty wetsuit when paddling in the spring but gave that up.

On our first few EGL trips we'd try to pair up novice paddlers with someone more experienced for safety's sake. How would you realistically rate your own experience flatwater canoeing? How many canoe trips have you gone on? How many of those were solo? Have you had to contend with wind and wave conditions that were really bad?

Thanks Chard. I'd say I'm pretty experienced with flat water canoeing. I've paddled close to 100 nights and over 1,000 kms since I was about 10 years old.
(I only know this b/c I recently had to tally it up from my trip journal for a certification course). I took a 17 year hiatus until about 3 years ago and have done 3 or 4 trips of 4 days each since then. A good deal of that paddling was on Georgian Bay where the rollers can get pretty big and I'm perfectly comfortable in those conditions, just not right after ice out and far from shore.

I've done quite a lot of solo paddling over the years but only with a loaded canoe for about 1 day in total and the wind was < 10 knots. My canoe is 18' long so I would definitely feel more comfortable right after ice out with another strong paddler in the canoe in case the wind or waves kick up but I'm not sure if my regular paddling partner will be able to make this trip.

Having said that, I looked at the route from the portage store to McIntosh Lake and the largest body of water is Canoe lake. Although it's ~3km long it's only ~1 km wide so sticking to the shore looks like a good strategy. Someone once said to me, if you're concerned about tipping, don't be any further away from shore than the length of the rope on your canoe. That way you can grab the rope, swim to shore and PULL the canoe to shore instead of swimming it to shore.

If I wear my wool base layer, loosely tether my pack into the canoe, pack an entire change of warm clothes, stay close to shore and either have a paddling partner or a 'shadow' boat, then I'm comfortable.

If I can't find a tandem partner, would some offer to 'shadow' me, at least through Canoe Lake?

03-03-2022, 15:12
Is anyone here going to the Ontario Backcountry Canoe Symposium on April 9th?


03-04-2022, 17:05
Hey Theyland,

Sounds like you're more than ready for an ice-out foray.

Having a change of warm clothes and a way to start a quick fire in drybags is very sensible. For the most part, paddling close to shore is a good plan, but watch for those times when incoming waves mix with waves reflecting off of shore to create quite a chop close in.

As far as a tandem partner goes, we'll see about that. IMHO, 18' is pretty long for a solo canoe, but properly trimmed it should be fine. Alternatively you could rent a smaller canoe from one of the several outfitters on HWY 60.

We almost always meet up in the morning and launch as a group, so if you want some company, I'd recommend that. This one jerk seems to be consistently tardy :blush:, but he means well and those EGL guys are very forgiving. On the water, we're pretty sensible; if conditions along the way become too difficult, we'd have no problem pulling over and waiting them out. While them young folks think of being "wind-bound" as an embarrassment to be avoided, old-timers properly think of it as an opportunity for a pipe and maybe even a scotch.

Finally, while Canoe L. is the largest, don't overlook MacIntosh. She can whip up fiercely under a strong wind.

I hope you can make it out.

03-05-2022, 01:44
Is anyone here going to the Ontario Backcountry Canoe Symposium on April 9th?

I think there's a couple of fellas going (some of us are still a little wary of the global pandemic that is Covid), but more will be gathering at Valens Conservation Area that evening to enjoy good company around a fire. You're more than welcome, just bring a mask and something delicious to share (Just kidding. It's well known that half of an EGL hang could show up with zero food and still come away well fed. We're funny that way).

03-06-2022, 20:05
What do you folks wear on your hands while paddling just after ice out? I have a pair of rubber dipped cotton gloves (see pic) but I find they are too sticky.187961

03-06-2022, 20:24
Test of insert pic. Wasn’t able to do this without setting up a Tapatalk account, which I didn’t bc I don’t need to pay more monthly fees. But somehow I’m able to post pics now.

Is the hammockforums account different from the Tapatalk account?

I know this isn’t really on topic but google was no help.


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03-06-2022, 21:12
What do you folks wear on your hands while paddling just after ice out? I have a pair of rubber dipped cotton gloves (see pic) but I find they are too sticky.187961

I highly recommend bringing along something to wear on your hands. You may not need them for years, but when you do, you'll have appreciated lugging them around. We've paddled in rainy, cold weather so miserable that a coat of ice was forming on our paddles. I had forgotten my gloves so my paddling partner kindly shared one of his gloves so we could wear one glove while gripping the handle while dunking our lower hands in the "warm" lake to keep them from freezing.

I have two types, either a faux-leather (might be real) leather palmed/neoprene backed full glove (bought on the way out of the park immediately after the aforementioned glove sharing incident)...
Link to Something Similar (https://www.amazon.ca/Neoprene-Stretchy-Non-Slip-Wear-Resistant-Snorkeling/dp/B09F3FMKQ4/ref=sr_1_165?crid=22AG14NUM9G24&keywords=water+gloves+kayaking&qid=1646619764&sprefix=water+gloves+kayaking%2Caps%2C68&sr=8-165)

or a standard wool fingerless glove (I find the full fingered gloves too slippery)...

03-06-2022, 21:56
I'm in. Just booked McIntosh for May 13-15. Looking forward to it.

03-07-2022, 19:23
Is the hammockforums account different from the Tapatalk account?

My understanding is that Tapatalk is simply an app that allows users to consolidate all of their forums of interest into one place/newsfeed. I'm pretty sure that you'd still need to subscribe to each of the underlying forums.

03-08-2022, 10:53
My understanding is that Tapatalk is simply an app that allows users to consolidate all of their forums of interest into one place/newsfeed. I'm pretty sure that you'd still need to subscribe to each of the underlying forums. That is correct. I use it for being able to see several forums that I subscribe to in the same app.
I do NOT pay for their pay version.

03-25-2022, 13:15
I've been walking the dog about 5 or 6 miles a day. Just added a 30 lb pack to the routine. I'm going to be ready for this trip!!!

03-25-2022, 13:17
I've been walking the dog about 5 or 6 miles a day. Just added a 30 lb pack to the routine. I'm going to be ready for this trip!!!

Or too exhausted!

03-25-2022, 22:17
Thanks for the reminder on gloves! That's something I'd have forgotten. Forgot my hat for Ralph Bice, and sunglasses for a car camp at Pog Lake. Might have to run some yarn through my jacket so I don't lose the gloves!

Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk

03-30-2022, 01:57
Quick update... I'm going to be paddling out on the 19th. My elder daughter's birthday is on the 19th and she's going to be in-country. I mentioned that I'd be canoeing and she went all puppy-dog eyed on me, so ya. That still leaves a good six days to reduce the local trout population to endangered species status (or worse), and get PETA up my a$$ while still snapping a few epic pics worthy of Nat.Geo. (seriously, call me :shades:! That "orange" thing will never happen again, I promise)

04-06-2022, 12:49
188173 Iggly Wiggly Troutses!!!

04-06-2022, 19:05
BrantWing and I will be heading into Casa de Thompson on the 15th and weather permitting I plan on coming over to visit on the first nice day, we will be heading back out on the 19th ....


04-22-2022, 11:06
Quick update... I'm going to be paddling out on the 19th.

Chard ... aren't we all departing the 19th or did I miss something (again)?

04-22-2022, 15:02
[/I]071522]Just made my reservation.

McIntosh: 13, 14, 15
Big Trout: 16, 17
Burnt Island: 18, 19

Looking forward to seeing peeps again. Stay safe.Ahhh, just saw that Quiet! Might have to join you on that little jaunt if my barrel-'o-plenty isn't too ... um, plentiful.

04-22-2022, 16:23
Quick update... I'm going to be paddling out on the 19th.

Chard ... aren't we all departing the 19th or did I miss something (again)?

Err. Yeah. Brain fart...:unsure::unsure::unsure:

https://www.hammockforums.net/forum/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAScAAAAyCAYAAAA eNh3dAAAMIklEQVR4nO2dvW6j3BaGX85VYCkpkKY8aVwZS9Mg5 QLGyJFiqtGU6aJ0Zjz5HNxF6aY6ir7KWBoL5gJGchPJuHKTNhJ FLJm74BSbnw0GbBz/kMx6pCmMYe/tsHn3WguGV/B93wdBFPDPP//gx48fxx4G8Zfxn2MPgCAIIgsSJ4IgKgmJE0EQlYTEiSCISkLiR BBEJTmcOC1MqIIAQVBhLvawP/GOcDAoOq8LE qFCe gYyKqRrE4zQYQBIH9u3MONCTi/eHBvBDiubJ2zsjo hY6JwcdZJJgbg9m2dvV0f6k0Rupme07d8m/38rY1hEt6EL2b CvZ2GA5NlJncP04pA4douxbUGhODl/9PhDb4I3ydNJB5bvw990Upbdnzg6huPD97l/3 VjD6mYdgvzB/4i9GA 6AUHvJHgAq917IwvHUyeh1iGf7vXIeZymazBg3mtAeYyOh6dWi wiCxOqPMfwlbW/NOdocgLkja6gIex/iSE01KLFxcFA1uPz6xjQS41tOwrEycGkx3/WMeHVkk 7RoN4pdxk yJW6ViBU9vSaV1Wuyurc84KTinCEXEwEAZwopVXhbkItvF78VH DqQY7cTx/PuOLwhupK9FZ1rZczlSo0PAYzsHZIzQYMNrp8Wf379ytRidZ2y Ia3UAYWhlfyuj 6kAMP54oUNs23BICIF0vYV2K3PHA3GVj8Z4s2P2baKEXL29gjC 1MwvalGyyj/kUoX1rAsxtdN4rjo9sIf4cCA XGtg354jSbQAeA9hDT4I p/8k66Ta0TtZqk7cdiH483 ZiAmvM vvWyDksbPdFge9PYQBArxkJnHNXgzYG0J8WTALi8Oho/lGCiGo1EvZGKpqYxhHX6xDxmZPR5aMxpw7tmi024uUNjN49t4I 7eOwAw6 bRmwSOtdGNAedPzqM62 QEvvk9y9/HQKdx1hkFybuewZuLkW8mdkjtHEL0sZZgwi5wffrwh0DdYltc1 9stD7xv0yCxImf2JCROPrFBs6kYJsMmb8mFy7mKDO27cgRpzi8 bX1RIH9W2WTJTO1aUaiYDOPztjPEy5tAXFib3pMFO iv NS2gsknQQpWOLY6hJFeq8TkJHaJLvMRBh8ZGZjmpnglBaWhwBi 7cAEAMr6ZgPUUrO zCXQuOti4vd49zJmJ d1C2Oq/5MObvpxRuE9WYD5DW afWGGIOswnO1LGs5dE3p/Gkc7ZZgN0OzlnbMwffy593JLtjiFUQxaUD LUYgI6LjfWaFQhtJnbU5mHia/7bi/bVi4mO9oZMR2JGtO3RIXab1wFfZGKid6TfDxuPhZDaIXtqAa52 WlgQmcJmtAzsJY1L98bkB/MOEFIrv1/A2Jaq1TQN6u8OyNVDSfh1huU/OLalPZ58 5q0E7m8bp4x7JFKcwigFsaKcCBCFIlwDYvyc7q9/I5wYAQH 4ClI6FQoVvwkOb6Si9luNC8VhOh8SRC/3F6yguzbyyUD8rKKF7HRsbf NbxhCw9XFffmorRC2eIc1o01x7gQ2Xr5 BUD61IL94nJbXLjptHE2gHBqQX3NithYPbeJ6cFudGSIUxjFAK 2w8s/XAfgi2ltpKOxEj 0NU7oCoujOjsN84h0gQ knI3LnX74gDq72gbgWyrdwbsAe28n5szChbvqM3EkHVlGkV9g/q5/aY3uLqI1jYULlC/kLE/e9uGYUikPRIw7OXSAeKWECAgHm6nPe6B46HwzMBhBkYJp5d9yD eVGD9WV50Duwq KUTulC9nLxh6ldRn lEdH5xVY1u1NL3rLlJxdROeTvU9SDcyYIAiaf4oK4ePkTw dmnFb9QTJyAYATaSXy8Z4s2DuIxDfpX5TqG9zIQeJRgnCORmnb iQKV7 dUQ52/Q7aYwBoXXSNBzbXHtcHfqT7pwHLqQSYkoNapY8qJGHtsSEcz68 5koAk2d44O8uyj/4GZ9uED8Fvm8thDedfc3t4eewiFLM3Wyjme9uEbzmH6P0hfjuG jP91zJ9XiQ/3fumThUkCzx1LTQxTviGORVYh2MOkZULa5U1WW4PGBfffl/Nmm2P EXyf3oRJFENvwiSOwYeKnAiC DiQOBEEUUlInAiCqCQkTgRBVBISJ4IgKgmJE0EQlYTEiSCISiL c3t7Sc04EQVQOegiTWAs9hEkcA0rrCIKoJCROBEFUEhIngiAqC YkTQRCVhMSJIIhKQuJEEEQl VDiFBkzknV6pciz3/7ofRNvI1ucUr7oud7rRyN0Yd2/JTKxjrQjblXnzP5gb2BdnYvhm1m3sXfaFOcuu/2Eg/IWjteJ41PuzEDqrbPp9lP6kR7furZDiiOnduzdvjRb7AXnFbb2 lr/nm3gS 4J3xF1i2E761/0tr0hutQHt34TBOh47du7 byUUh2Yv zveQXl6pqFWJpsITTXD4/s6mvx1Pxswg4TM9h0MZD2eA44BXeaEe13bHBundeKlhWkfwFjD Fb8apqMsrqNIXS9U5mKaVtLQ3VTIUdLoexXmKOjn7n8YRMaGoa 8e /HptC7 bMK8WPW6zx/D37HiHxaXOwf8aupgkFo9E6nYwoR6YcKJVmq2b3L1VROW5HwkV MFIneuOhisRD5Z2wr4oias0b3RPfS kXBqSb/jXuAv6JL9i5dWcHGnv2GiyL9vXP46RCvTrTsPBVPOKks N4DIZZm9z7zFORun21d415iGAgOx7fm6tnlK1ZykT8ywJzTW9E YqBFkH tMousI4Q6XHddxw3ne6HEzGyN00VlkgS0ltaJ3QLey/6EbGhqHl Rrb5p4FPATjgx153QMOBqfMI40pPVv5id1jd 6Bh9gDcS7nh/MrjDXc42fsJDwbJCID36kHk9 DedEEuMiNnfOARpdzJGYrPltoA9dfLvJh4lLGJFPhrNE9TH4Dw 69KYo9QUKIo87kZiPQu udJmWWeSKhjzgnEGhpywsPPc dAW4LEPsF95v300u3LkHmzh4WLOT ewraTlBInUarzzUbmm6FKR9 nVTrs/EQC2yP2l09ELnLaLjEkFKEtU7bgJEfjC5U6NEjcxHOMeBMt82d 8oUXzYEPaQ/zkPencOfDsxgtYo8tW6tljKddf dyIXHDFyxsY0bwNxaXcXIus0WeP0M7WCQsz4wwdfXfRP0OG0rd TKeYbWJi46gDDh1WjzvV4MK81gD/3JdouJU6eO c uXADi3JdXicuIRIkPjKZDSCcarAR5KCvsZniIUj HuK9IF5arM6RVZAtNFD1Eqllcr5yzsOzR2jYwpAzsEZvynk2Tg Up5y76D1v6vkwagQpN6Kgno6mNYJlF3VmTmeQdfVeDdjbNqTuu b7uUOLkvgU35FwUiJzR8ATQKvbNbiAQNCF1GAfSVfCtogsgguv mRSM K4Cy1E2UErs2vQ6BzBfVBh3G9TaQQ1FAyI3EHA6Eg5dxR/wwRnV pcknZa2xhQg3G2038FhHSGaKIj 3rYp4QP7YINDHNznRy206ysTh5I5XdGYhCbBaWAoD wNeIHAzy7uil0qiwhhX18WSh3P0Ne/M8OgPxs8oitbGFCT2ScCQkSG0uzd/gLpc3GiQKxdE8aiiJonRWW3ytJFocQ04UqG0b9jhpkunclXh2r tGF/ytPWFqJCzgsi6zr/00sTKjyPJkiLkyoRcX hQn11IL6mi0e8rkBu/MYlW6cfzXYkfhxi0CeMBW0zVMsTuM4dK51bLTMZeIPL15aTJW5/YToTlpGO7IOwIg82sXLn6wAHfi7X73UN0zrZHSDVY llFs 73TSgeUYiO/61aAFkV2i4EfsERGdhyHmYWlAmEAyi2eBKCE4X8HcfLkJUgcZX afOfce3le5HwARGumVIZ0jciWLuwdiB2256bFdwz9K/M6v/bPhHCVauAb6Oe riJnXDyHuyYLfz00YWJNiJv3HiDmuji6U5RzN01n4eYhkK0WIC awz22FHGncm1bfPsy fc95mHPQAf7aG/XL97BZj6BuADLX/4euyxVIfb29tjD FATH0Dhj/lN70O/dbB5m9G//vopQ/fcPbcyQ74UP99pTypAqnQhI4Whq/bFQCJ9w27fZ szXhPFvBFeUP952397x4Hk94O08Y9Qq/pJdZCr kljsFfHjkRBFFVSJwIgqgkJE4EQVSS/wOFjK 969vl6gAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==

I resign myself to lurker status: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

BTW, the Big Trout loop is a very nice trip and as always, plans are flexible. I haven't been that way since my northern leg of the Brent Run back in 2007.

04-22-2022, 18:28
Probable official ice-out by Monday. Lake of Two Rivers already clear!https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220422/d0d701e915be8811f6333dacc94bcbfb.jpg

04-25-2022, 20:40
Can I get an "Amen"?https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220426/8120e2fca2b9995abe0f01dd1fbc6baa.jpg

04-25-2022, 20:46

04-26-2022, 09:43
Any thoughts on a group meal on the 13/14th?

04-27-2022, 09:31
In light of this development, I think i am going to try and see if I can book to go in next week. Suspect that the flies are already stirring .......


05-02-2022, 10:07
I can't go a whole week early but looking ahead at the weather, Friday (13th) looks really crappy. Granted that may change, but if the forecast holds I'm going in Wed or Thurs (11-12th) for six nights. Perhaps a better chance of scoring Chicamoula too!

Not concerned with the bugs that early, even early ice-out years they haven't been bad until after May 24th.

Group meal ... Traditional (& awesome) pea soup is always a crowd pleaser! Hopefully supplemented with some fresh trout.

05-02-2022, 15:38
Going in tomorrow... weather reports are such a crap shoot these days, but it does look like we might get a few nice days this week


05-02-2022, 16:40
Any thoughts on a group meal on the 13/14th?

Group meal ... Traditional (& awesome) pea soup is always a crowd pleaser! Hopefully supplemented with some fresh trout.

I'm probably going to have a full load. Do we have any volunteers to carry in the pot and ingredients (the pot and ham hock are the real culprits)?

05-02-2022, 19:15
I'm probably going to have a full load. Do we have any volunteers to carry in the pot and ingredients (the pot and ham hock are the real culprits)?If you're going Wednesday, I'm your guy ... otherwise I'm not much use to you.

I don't have a ginormous cauldron to contribute but would be happy to seek out a smoked ham hock or two to bring in. My only concern is it still being good by Saturday ... ? [emoji1785] Perhaps wiser that I stick to less perishable items (split peas, onions, potatoes).

05-05-2022, 08:02
Sorry, I'm not coming in until the 15th so I guess the potluck is out for me.


05-07-2022, 11:25
Who is going in Saturday?
Perhaps we can meet up at canoe lake and paddle in together.
I'm planning to get to canoe lake about 10am-11am but able to adjust to meet up with you guys.


Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

05-07-2022, 11:30
Jordan and I are planning to start out Friday morning, heading home on Tuesday.

Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk

05-07-2022, 13:50
What's the average travel time from the put-in at Canoe Lake to McIntosh? Jeff's map seems to say around 5.5 hours.

Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk

05-07-2022, 14:43
What's the average travel time from the put-in at Canoe Lake to McIntosh? Jeff's map seems to say around 5.5 hours.

Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk

Depending on how the winter effected your portaging fitness, I'd put it closer to 5. Not a huge amount of elevation change but 2.5 K can burn early in the season.

05-07-2022, 16:56
Jordan and I are planning to start out Friday morning, heading home on Tuesday.

Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk

I’m starting Friday morning too. Aiming to be on the water by 12. What about you?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-07-2022, 19:04
Just got back from Tom Thompson and timed our runs, 3 hours got us close to the portage (our site was 15 minutes from portage) and then 3 hours to get back out today. We walked the 2.3k portage and unloaded it is 40 minutes one way, if you double carry that is 120 minutes minimum unloaded ..... given I would need breaks I am allow 3 hours, for me, to cover the portage (2 hours just to walk, the extra hour for being slowed by packs etc and the need to take a few breaks)

We also had either no wind or a following wind, which likely helped out times, otherwise wind can be a pita on that stretch of water .... so for me at least, 5 - 5.5 hours wouldn't likely see me to the end of the 2.3 k portage, luckily the fabled Chicamoula is only another hour or so (4 km) from the portage. Personally, I would try and hit the portage as early as possible, it is not something to try and rush through ..... I am contemplating coming in Sunday and I will be stripping my pack of anything that isn't absolutely necessary. The mud pits aren't that easy to just walk around, so plan on mucky/wet feet or have some sort of water proof boots.

The trail maintenance crew was in yesterday, so all the blow downs are clear, we counted 4 .... the mud pits are intact, we counted 7 ..... of the 4 foot bridges, the last bridge through the swamp is still wet in the last 30 meters or so and the mud pit directly in front of that bridge is also intact.

In our 5 days we were inundated with mosquitos, managing to kill a whopping 2, which means you can thank Bob and I for clearing the menace from the region. As you paddle along the river above the dam portage, there are still a few significant patches of ice on the side cliff faces.

Still thinking about trying to come in on Sunday, but haven't got all the logistics worked out yet.


05-07-2022, 21:17
I’m starting Friday morning too. Aiming to be on the water by 12. What about you?

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkWe're going to shoot to get on the water first thing Friday morning. If that changes I'll let you know. I'll PM you my cell number in case it comes in handy for texting.

Ps. Thanks for the travel timing info, all! Nice details Brian!

05-09-2022, 14:45
I'm planning on hitting the water on Friday by about 9am. I'm going to take some extra time on that portage.

05-09-2022, 20:07
Friday at 9am sounds good but could be pushed out to 10am if necessary. For what it's worth, it'd be nice if everyone heading in had a buddy boat for safety's sake.

Thanks for the recon Cruiser. Very helpful info.

05-10-2022, 06:13
Friday at 9am sounds good but could be pushed out to 10am if necessary. For what it's worth, it'd be nice if everyone heading in had a buddy boat for safety's sake.

Thanks for the recon Cruiser. Very helpful info.

Friday 10 am on the water sounds good. See you then.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-10-2022, 10:13
I will be there Friday morning at 9.

05-10-2022, 18:10
I'll join the Friday 9-10 flotilla.

05-10-2022, 20:05
I'm on the road at 0400 tomorrow ... fingers crossed for Chicamoula. See you all in a few days!

05-11-2022, 21:49
Got a message from KeewayKeno around 6pm saying he scooped the island spot on McIntosh.

Jordan and I are heading up tomorrow after work to avoid the early morning drive. We're staying at Mew Lake for the night, then heading to Canoe Lake access point in the morning.

If anyone wants to crash with us, I can send the site info. We're packing solo tents as we don't know how hammock friendly the Mew site is.

Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk

05-25-2022, 19:39
Trip Report can be found here (https://www.hammockforums.net/forum/showthread.php/164386-Canada-gt-Central-gt-EGL-2022-Spring-Death-March-to-Chicamoula?p=2075656#post2075656)