View Full Version : EGL @Valens weekend of Nov12-13

10-06-2022, 06:09
We talked about this while on Donald Lake in Temagami. Let’s do it! Hopefully our new friends Myron (and his guitar) and Andy will join us. If the weather isn’t too cold I’ll bring my guitar too.

Who’s in?

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10-06-2022, 09:55
And does anyone have a recipe that we can use for a group meal on Saturday?

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10-06-2022, 13:21
I'll be there! Friends from the Burgh won't be making it.

10-06-2022, 19:16
I'm in. Sounds like fun. I might even get there for the 11th and warm up the grill a bit.

As far as a group meal goes, we've had luck with everything from BYOBBQ to potluck (people bring whatever). Freshly grilled meats tends to be a popular theme.

10-06-2022, 20:43
I am in with a +1 ... better half has committed to trying a hammock, woot

10-07-2022, 08:54
I'm pretty sure I can make it as well. Arrival on the eve of the 11th to get two nights in sounds like a good idea! I'll bring some tater salad and MIGHT try my luck at baking a bread in the DO, in which case I'll prolly be hot tenting.

10-07-2022, 16:04
I'm in - see you on the 11th. I might try to hang a hammock through a hot tent.

10-08-2022, 16:38
I'm in - Looking forward to hearing tales of Temagami!

10-11-2022, 12:20
I'll be bringing a Garmin Inreach MINI - brand new in box - unopened. If anyone's thinking about it, make me an offer.

10-12-2022, 07:30
I'm in. Sounds like fun. I might even get there for the 11th and warm up the grill a bit.

As far as a group meal goes, we've had luck with everything from BYOBBQ to potluck (people bring whatever). Freshly grilled meats tends to be a popular theme.

I’m going to test a jumbalaya at home. If it goes well I’ll make it Saturday night.

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10-12-2022, 11:17
What site do you guys try to book?


10-12-2022, 15:42
What site do you guys try to book?


10-13-2022, 16:14
Doh... I can't make the 12th due to family commitments, but was already planning to stay at Valens Nov 4th and 5th with my brother and Peter.

Heading to the Winter Camping Symposium in KW that Saturday.

Shooting for the usual spot, and I'm working on grabbing some firewood from the "Maple King" as well.

Open invite for any that can't make the 12th weekend group hang.

10-17-2022, 01:11
Hey folks, count me in (first time at an event, so please let me know what the protocol is [emoji4]).

I’ll be coming out on the 11th as well. I noted that Valens doesn’t do reservations after Oct 31, and it’s 6 per site, so happy to try and grab the adjacent site if it’ll help have enough room for everyone. [emoji106]

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10-18-2022, 11:41
I’m going to test a jumbalaya at home. If it goes well I’ll make it Saturday night.

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I bought a big ol’ pot at at vintage store in Mactier on the weekend. I just have to remove the plastic handles and it’s ready for jumbalaya.

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10-18-2022, 11:50
Hey folks, count me in (first time at an event, so please let me know what the protocol is [emoji4]).

I’ll be coming out on the 11th as well. I noted that Valens doesn’t do reservations after Oct 31, and it’s 6 per site, so happy to try and grab the adjacent site if it’ll help have enough room for everyone. [emoji106]

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Welcome SvenGolly. The protocol is pretty loose, as far as I can tell; I’m a relative newbie to this group. Some people are quite generous and bring lots of food to share. Others, not so much. Either appears to be fine. We’re really just interested in the company and conversation. The more senior members should feel free to correct me if need be.

Someone often grabs either of the next door sites (133 or 135). Maybe come to 134 first and see what the numbers are. Or maybe the gate person will have already counted and will let you know.

Looking forward to meeting you.

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10-18-2022, 15:05
I'm in. Shooting for the 11th as well. No promises but I'll see if I can scrounge the last remnants of firewood from Whet Noodle's defunct woodlot.

Noodle is a 'maybe'. Fingers crossed since he's way more entertaining than me. Especially trying to exit his birthing canal hammock. Video Jiblets?

10-18-2022, 16:58
Should be there for at least the 12th. As Chard mentioned these tend to be a pot luck kind of deal. Everyone just brings stuff and shares.

10-19-2022, 20:33
Not sure if anyone else noticed but I think there might be patent violations involved...

Breaking News...
First "Kelly Kettle" Design Originated A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away!!!!!

Disney's Andor: Episode 5 "The Axe Forgets"

10-19-2022, 21:42
Beat me to it. That’s an oooold patent for sure.

10-25-2022, 15:25
I do like the kelly kettle tea preparation technique depicted in the photo. Pick it up by the burn box and pour out tea already mixed with too much milk. (Maybe afterwards dip your fingers in cold water to soothe second degree burns)

10-29-2022, 23:14
I'm in Saturday for sure, 80% for Friday night.

11-02-2022, 05:45
Hey, I'm also pretty interested in alcohol stoves these days. I might bring a few that I've built and I'd love to see some that others have, either purchased or DIY.

BTW, does anyone have some of that foil covered bubble wrap they don't need? I'd like to make a pot cozy but last time I looked at the hardware store they only sell it in $75 batches. I'd be happy to buy $10-$20 of it off someone.

11-03-2022, 08:40
Hey, I'm also pretty interested in alcohol stoves these days. I might bring a few that I've built and I'd love to see some that others have, either purchased or DIY.

BTW, does anyone have some of that foil covered bubble wrap they don't need?.

Pretty sure I've got enough scraps lying around for a cozy. Will bring what I find in my gear loft.

11-03-2022, 13:55
Hey, I'm also pretty interested in alcohol stoves these days. I might bring a few that I've built and I'd love to see some that others have, either purchased or DIY.

BTW, does anyone have some of that foil covered bubble wrap they don't need? I'd like to make a pot cozy but last time I looked at the hardware store they only sell it in $75 batches. I'd be happy to buy $10-$20 of it off someone.

I’ve got some left over from my cozies, so I’ll bring some as well in case there’s more demand. Was tough spending so much for such a small set, LOL!

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11-08-2022, 09:02
Have fun Ladies and Gents!!
I miss these more than you know -will do a backyard hang this weekend with all of our freshly fallen snow!!!

11-08-2022, 19:24
I'm going to head in Thursday morning. Hopefully set up on #134.

Anybody else coming that early finding "our" site taken by a hammock hot tent but nobody around, I've gone to pick up some wood.

(We miss you & Emma & ConnieB too, Niagara!)

11-09-2022, 09:48
I'm going to head in Thursday morning. Hopefully set up on #134.

Anybody else coming that early finding "our" site taken by a hammock hot tent but nobody around, I've gone to pick up some wood.

(We miss you & Emma & ConnieB too, Niagara!)

I'll probably join you on Thursday with a late afternoon arrival. Have to leave Saturday AM already. Depending on how crazy we get I'll bring at least one nights worth of firewood.

11-09-2022, 11:18
see you Friday afternoon

11-10-2022, 20:18
I'll be there Friday afternoon as well.

11-10-2022, 21:03
If anyone has an extendable painting pole (eg. 7'-9') it might be helpful to recreate our awesome tarp setup/pavilion of last year.

See you Friday afternoon.

11-10-2022, 21:16
I won't be able to make it as I originally planned, may stop by Saturday to say hi though.


11-11-2022, 13:01
I feel really crappy today, so I'm not going to make it. I gave Chard a couple of extension poles. Have a good one. Cheers

11-11-2022, 15:25
Best laid plans, and all that; sadly some challenges at home prevented me from getting away to join you folks. Was really looking forward to meeting you all, guess it will have to wait for the next event. Hope everyone has fun!

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11-11-2022, 19:53
I got delayed today - I'll be there in the morning.

11-14-2022, 20:04
Well that was a great weekend. Endless roaring fire, inspiring tarpology, amazing (& copious) grub & entertaining conversation. Great to see everybody who was able to make it ... now mark your calendars for the traditional "winter tune-up" in January.

Somebody left a pair of boots ... yours?


11-14-2022, 20:20
Well that was a great weekend. Endless roaring fire, inspiring tarpology, amazing (& copious) grub & entertaining conversation. Great to see everybody who was able to make it ... now mark your calendars for the traditional "winter tune-up" in January.

Somebody left a pair of boots ... yours?


11-15-2022, 15:25
Well that was a great weekend. Endless roaring fire, inspiring tarpology, amazing (& copious) grub & entertaining conversation. Great to see everybody who was able to make it ... now mark your calendars for the traditional "winter tune-up" in January.

I really regret having missed this gathering. Do tell about the January event… [emoji3]

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11-15-2022, 19:26
I really regret having missed this gathering. Do tell about the January event… [emoji3]

2nd weekend of January. Same Bat time. Same Bat place. Hope for snow and cold weather!

Visit by UFO (Unidentified Flushing Oafs)

DIY Hot-tent trials. Good heat retention and long lasting stove burn. Check and check. Next time I might even sleep in it!:mellow:

11-16-2022, 00:09
2nd weekend of January. Same Bat time. Same Bat place. Hope for snow and cold weather!

Jan 14/15, added to my calendar, thanks! [emoji41]

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11-17-2022, 06:32

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11-21-2022, 14:05
Jan 14/15, added to my calendar, thanks! [emoji41]

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Just want to clarify the dates - 1st of jan is on a sunday so the second weekend of january is Jan 7-8. Or were you thinking the 14-15 anyway?

11-21-2022, 22:32
Jan 14/15, added to my calendar, thanks! [emoji41]

Just want to clarify the dates - 1st of jan is on a sunday so the second weekend of january is Jan 7-8. Or were you thinking the 14-15 anyway?

Yeah, I think Ggreaves is on the mark. Based on how we've reckoned in the past, the second weekend (or part thereof) would be the 7-8th. See you guys then.

11-23-2022, 13:51
Hoping to make it out for the 7th and 8th
Working Sunday afternoon but I've left from valens before to go to work [emoji2]

What I want to know is when the backcountry winter one is? I work Friday so I can only do Saturday Sunday hoping to maybe stay till Monday somewhere

Maybe we can start to throw out dates soon.

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11-24-2022, 17:27
Yeah, I think Ggreaves is on the mark. Based on how we've reckoned in the past, the second weekend (or part thereof) would be the 7-8th. See you guys then.

Yeah, I think Ggreaves is on the mark. Based on how we've reckoned in the past, the second weekend (or part thereof) would be the 7-8th. See you guys then.

Thanks for the clarification; I’ve updated my calendar accordingly. [emoji846]

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11-24-2022, 17:47
Hoping to make it out for the 7th and 8th
Working Sunday afternoon but I've left from valens before to go to work [emoji2]

What I want to know is when the backcountry winter one is? I work Friday so I can only do Saturday Sunday hoping to maybe stay till Monday somewhere

Maybe we can start to throw out dates soon.

Let's flip that to a new thread shall we?

EGL Winter 2023 Backcountry Camping (https://www.hammockforums.net/forum/showthread.php/165291-Canada-gt-Central-gt-EGL-Winter-2023-Backcountry-Camping?p=2083358#post2083358)