View Full Version : Midsummer Lillydipping

06-20-2023, 18:23
WHERE: Noganosh - perhaps the south arm this time

This is a gorgeous spot that the EGL visited in June 2019 & clearly demands a return visit to more fully explore the area. We already know it's full of Bass but it's also a chance to target pike, walleye & perch.

WHEN: Friday, July 28th to Tuesday, August 2nd (or whatever you're up for)

PORTAGES: Two short ones (153 & 318 m.) & one silly 40 m liftover. From memory nothing daunting, even to old fat guys like me.

ACCESS POINT: Fleming's Landing or alternate Ess Narrows

MAP: Free on Avenza "Magnetawan-Noganosh Backcountry Canoeing Map" by Jonathan Kelly aka "Lost Lakes" compatible with phone GPS

GROUP MEAL: To be determined, but a fish-fry at some point is certainly on the menu so pack some oil & fish crisp!

06-20-2023, 18:44
Nice pictures! Slim chance but I’m going to see what I can do.

06-20-2023, 19:33
Sounds like fun. I'll bring some extra bug spray.

06-20-2023, 19:47
Fond memories of our last trip to Noganosh!

I'll be on the road to PEI that weekend, but enjoy yourselves!

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06-20-2023, 21:16
I'm in on this. I was possibly considering go in on Thursday the 29th. This being my first Summer Canadian trip, bring my bug suit & bug spray!?! :tonguesmilie:

06-21-2023, 13:02
WHERE: Noganosh - perhaps the south arm this time

This is a gorgeous spot that the EGL visited in June 2019 & clearly demands a return visit to more fully explore the area. We already know it's full of Bass but it's also a chance to target pike, walleye & perch.

WHEN: Friday, July 28th to Tuesday, August 2nd (or whatever you're up for)

PORTAGES: Two short ones (153 & 318 m.) & one silly 40 m liftover. From memory nothing daunting, even to old fat guys like me.

ACCESS POINT: Fleming's Landing or alternate Ess Narrows

MAP: Free on Avenza "Magnetawan-Noganosh Backcountry Canoeing Map" by Jonathan Kelly aka "Lost Lakes" compatible with phone GPS

GROUP MEAL: To be determined, but a fish-fry at some point is certainly on the menu so pack some oil & fish crisp!

06-21-2023, 13:05
great pics, enjoy the trip guys.
i just had my first paddle of the year at the marsh lands at Mitchell's Bay. nothing great but a solid 2 hours on the water is really good therapy

07-11-2023, 13:32
It's been a while & a busy summer so just checking in with a quick headcount based on earlier replies as we near the two week countdown.

Said they're "in":
- KeeWayKeno
- Chard
- LuvMyBonnet
- Iguana
- Keg
- J.G. (sorry, can't find your forum handle)
- 76Highboy

Said "maybe"
- Cruiser51
- Brantwing
- Bubba

I'm expecting to put in at Fleming's Landing if parking allows. Jon's map says there's lots of additional parking to the west at Ess Narrows, but it looks to be a longer paddle. Might need it as back-up though if the Landing is jammed. If anybody has more recent intel, pipe up.

Get those dehydrators dusted off & fired up!

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07-11-2023, 13:38
Food is almost ready, bought a small bug tent for sitting, just figuring out best way to make it easy to setup .... convoluted way of saying I plan on being there


07-11-2023, 19:38
BTW KWK .... this is crown land, what can the uninitiated expect at the campesite, are we "cat holing"? Are there any markings? Will be my first time outside a "Park"


07-11-2023, 20:16
BTW KWK .... this is crown land, what can the uninitiated expect at the campesite, are we "cat holing"? Are there any markings? Will be my first time outside a "Park"

BrianActually, it's a non-operating Provincial Park now. I think I there was campsite signage (anyone else recall?), portages were obvious. The site we stayed on was well established & had a thunderbox ... similar to what you're accustomed to in Algonquin.

Also ... just heard the fire ban will be lifted in Parry Sound District effective tomorrow. Hope it holds!

07-12-2023, 07:06
I was just there last weekend, which is really the only reason I can't join you guys. Just can't rationalize two trips in the same month to the family.

Re: parking, the parking lot at Flemings landing is much smaller than at Ess Narrows. Given that there are 7 confirmed and another 3 maybe, I would suggest parking at Ess Narrows. 10 cars would pretty much fill up Flemings Landing. I wouldn't want to risk the local, water only access cottagers making a complaint to the municipality and then that lot becomes paid only or off limits somehow. Launching from Ess Narrows adds another hour to your paddle but I paddled from Flemings Landing to the bottom of Smokey Lake, to the spot featured in the pictures above, in 4 hours, double carrying the portages. So, you should be able to get there by dinner time no problem.

Plus the 40m liftover is now a paddle through. The beaver dam has broken.

I can confirm that there definitely is a thunder box at the site featured in the pics above. Although it was getting pretty full.

I've been to that area twice in the last 2 years, and the site pictured above was unoccupied each time. It seems that most people either camp at the north end of Smoke Lake, or go further south.

The two portages into the PP are well marked, short and quite flat.

Things may be different by the time you guys get there, but the bugs were pretty thick. The temp was 25C during the day and the deer flies were relentless. By 9PM the mosquitoes sounded like a highway. So definitely bring your "no-bug zone".

If anyone is looking for an adventure, I flagged the portage from John Lake towards Deep Lake. It's not that long, maybe 200-300m but there are a couple of big trees down that could be cut and cleared out. One in the stream on the east side of a small island at the south end of John Lake, and one at the beginning of the portage towards Deep Lake. I cut some branches off but you still need to step way up and over it. Not impossible but I suspect the fishing will be awsome in Deep Lake. If anyone has a big saw like the one Anreas brought to Donald Lake last fall, that would do the trick. Both trees are 12-16" thick. I say "towards" Deep Lake because I didn't make it all the way to Deep Lake. I paddled most of the way through the lilly pads via the beaver channel but ran out of time/gave up.

I camped on John Lake and didn't see any thunder boxes there.

By the way, don't bother with the portage from Last Lake to John Lake. It's a bit of a bush wack and has a couple of hills. You can definitely paddle to the east and into John Lake, and the fishing there is great. I lost count of how many fish I caught.

Enjoy your trip.

07-12-2023, 23:20
I've camped on Smoky Lake and several times on Noganosh Lake. The sites I stayed all had thunder boxes. There were the occasional campsite that didn't have one (or at least weren't obvious), but there were also some fish cleaning stations that had thunder boxes but weren't suitable as a campsite.

My last visit I came across 2 sets of thunderbox kits that presumably some park ranger had brought into the park but had not installed yet. I also checked out some of the crown land sites North of the ESS launch, North of Dollar lake and they all had some makeshift thunder boxes, but that was 3 yrs ago.

Mosquitoes were horrific at night that trip as well. I had left my chopsticks in a pouch just outside of my bugshelter, and I opted to eat my ramen with aluminum tent pegs instead. Aluminum chopsticks with boiling hot soup does not a happy meal make.

Like Theyland said, the ESS launch is much larger than Flemings Landing. I also preferred that paddle as the channel is wider, and there is a bit more space for boaters to pass.

07-13-2023, 06:17
Speaking of bug shelters, has anyone thought about attaching bug netting to the bottom of their rain tarp? This would save some weight compared to bringing a separate bug shelter. Would probably only be big enough for 2-3 people but would be perfect for just one.


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07-13-2023, 09:19
I thought about adding to my tarp, but that could be a real daunting task to get it to fit right and also get a good seal to the ground. Then you would be stuck in your sleeping area, to cook and potentially spill food (we have all done that), so I decided that was a no-go for this outing.

I opted to try something off the wall a bit ... https://www.amazon.ca/Bottom-Folding-Design-Bedroom-Mosquito/dp/B09MQ78HLB/ref=sr_1_11?keywords=bug+tent&qid=1689257475&sr=8-11

Whether it works or is convenient, I have no idea, but it does look like it would have a reasonable chance at being a successful haven. It is stand alone, not bulky or heavy and should give enough room to stretch out and relax ... if I like it, I can use it as is or modify a bit, it is at least a start.


07-13-2023, 12:00
Just got back from Algonquin and as for bugs, mosquitoes were worse than typical but between site selection and the bug shelter, wasn't horrible.

But I'm now a maybe for this trip. Messed up my thumb and doctor says 2 weeks so hopefully I'll be good enough.

07-14-2023, 12:25
Have to say I can’t make it :(. Have a good time! Hope to see some of you in September.

07-15-2023, 20:17
Have to say I can’t make it :(. Have a good time! Hope to see some of you in September.

Is there a September trip planned? I need a good excuse to get out of the wedding of a cousin/niece 3 times removed.

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07-15-2023, 21:18
Is there a September trip planned? I need a good excuse to get out of the wedding of a cousin/niece 3 times removed.

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There’s typically a hang in late September. I have some time off on the last weekend of September so I’ll be going somewhere.

07-19-2023, 16:02
There’s typically a hang in late September. I have some time off on the last weekend of September so I’ll be going somewhere.

Good. I’m planning on going somewhere from Sep 29 To Oct 2. I’d be game to go back to Donald lake.

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07-20-2023, 11:32
There’s typically a hang in late September. I have some time off on the last weekend of September so I’ll be going somewhere.Ive booked off the last weekend of September
I say we set the date now and pick the location soon.


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07-20-2023, 17:43
You guys have me leary! Are the bugs really that bad?!?

76 highboy
07-20-2023, 19:17
Ive booked off the last weekend of September
I say we set the date now and pick the location soon.


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Hmmm.... Sept 25/26 to october 2
Biscotasing to Indian lake.
West temagami again ( - 900 meter portages )
Upper Onaping lake
Algoma region

07-20-2023, 19:21
You guys have me leary! Are the bugs really that bad?!?

Don't worry Chris, we got you man ... we can rig up a safety rope, nothing under 200 pound is truly safe from being carried off into the woods, in July

07-21-2023, 10:38
I did a loop through Canoe, Sunbeam and Burnt Island in Algonquin on 04-08 July and the squitos were the worst I'd seen in a while. Last year I had none get into my Superior hammock, but this year, they were getting in all night. There are openings in the bugnet at each end and I watched them work their way in where the fabric doesn't quite lay flat. These squitos were smaller than the ones last year and maybe smarter. I had a bug zapper racquet which I used inside the hammock and shook the corpses out every morning. There's nothing like the smell of fried squitos in the hammock. Thanks to Jiblets for showing me the way of the racquet.

07-24-2023, 08:31
Unless plans change I will be heading in on Saturday, First Trip to Noganosh so am looking forward to it!
I will just head in an look for the spot marked on the map. Anyone have an estimate from Ess Narrows to the site? Is it about 3 hours?

New handle but KWK has me counted already as J.G.

07-24-2023, 10:46
@cruzer51 Check this option out. what you were looking for over a tarp and half price of no bug zone. Covers over existing tarp.


07-24-2023, 13:56
I will just head in an look for the spot marked on the map. Anyone have an estimate from Ess Narrows to the site? Is it about 3 hours?

Very roughly, 7+ km from Ess Narrows to 1st portage off the Pickerel River, then another 7 km to the island site I'm hoping for (assuming it is vacant when we get there). Depending on your paddling speed, 3 - 4 hrs should get you close to that spot.

If we're not there, I suggest heading to the sites in the south arm of Noganosh. We'll keep our eyes peeled for you & I will try to hang my big Canadian flag in a conspicuous location.

Whoo buddy!

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07-24-2023, 17:50
I will just head in an look for the spot marked on the map.

Re-reading this, just realized I didn't mark any spot on the first map but think you might be referring to the "crosshairs" that mark the centre of the map. Instead, see this map showing possible sites to check.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20230724/6e64e9c2420e6ee6e52de4cc742e010b.jpg

07-25-2023, 08:57
I'm heading in on Saturday morning, trying to locate you guys and then planning on working my way over to Wahwashkesh Lake. Kinda interested to see the John/Kelsie portage in the summer time. Will have a newbie with me, so this should be interesting....

07-25-2023, 09:57
I'm heading in on Saturday morning, trying to locate you guys and then planning on working my way over to Wahwashkesh Lake. Kinda interested to see the John/Kelsie portage in the summer time. Will have a newbie with me, so this should be interesting....

That’s an optimistic portage for a newbie. Good luck.

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07-25-2023, 10:58
That’s an optimistic portage for a newbie. Good luck.

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Luck won’t have anything to do with it. It’ll either make or break him :)

07-25-2023, 21:13
Typical for this guy, I seem to remember a certain "mostly flat" portage not long ago....

07-26-2023, 05:01
Typical for this guy, I seem to remember a certain "mostly flat" portage not long ago....

What do you always say? Too dumb to quit :)

07-26-2023, 09:08
Just to get on the record, I will be going in on Friday. Accompanying Cruiser51.

08-01-2023, 08:06
hope you guys are having a great time

08-01-2023, 16:38
You post makes me nostalgic, well except for the black flies. I grew up camping, hiking and canoeing all over souther and central Ontario, though I have never been to this particular place. It seems remiss.