View Full Version : Phoenix + Best Way + Canada = ?

12-30-2010, 16:52
I am ordering a Phoenix as a gift to my brother.. i get a "Best Way" shipping option.. never heard of that before, is it one of those thing that only work in the US ?

If that is the case, i need USPS i guess..

Thank you for your answers

12-30-2010, 17:54
USPS is usually the best option for shipping up here. I've had to pay stupid fees with other methods. Worst I've had to pay with USPS is sales tax and even that is not always charged.

12-30-2010, 18:02
You definitely want to go USPS but leave a message with your order giving your shipping preference or email Adam and Thowren about specifics,,,,,don't assume.

12-30-2010, 18:05
You definitely want to go USPS but leave a message with your order giving your shipping preference or email Adam and Thoren about specifics,,,,,don't assume.

Done and done.. Order with usps and email sent to adam..
Who is Thoren? I have been in the coma the last few months

12-30-2010, 18:34
Thowren (sp) is Adams better half.

12-30-2010, 19:28
Thowren (sp) is Adams better half.

I thought it was Jenny.. doh!

Glad to see you still out there mbiraman.. im reading forums and ordering gear all winter and disapear into the wild when the snow melt :)

12-30-2010, 20:54
I thought it was Jenny.. doh!

Glad to see you still out there mbiraman.. im reading forums and ordering gear all winter and disapear into the wild when the snow melt :)

I might have it wrong. Good to see your still getting out and helping your brother too. Happy new year

12-30-2010, 21:47
jen is her real name