View Full Version : HELP!!! I am looking for brown 1.1oz Silnylon.

Preacha Man
02-14-2008, 09:31
Amanda wants to make her a brown and pink hammock set up. I have found the brown 1.9 ripstop, and pink, but I cannot find a brown Silnylon anywhere :eek: !! She is really looking for a chocolate color.

If you have some for sale, please let me know. I will need at least 6 yards, preferable 8 or more. I have checked all the normal fabric suppliers as well.

Please Help :D

02-14-2008, 10:11
Amanda wants to make her a brown and pink hammock set up. I have found the brown 1.9 ripstop, and pink, but I cannot find a brown Silnylon anywhere :eek: !! She is really looking for a chocolate color.

If you have some for sale, please let me know. I will need at least 6 yards, preferable 8 or more. I have checked all the normal fabric suppliers as well.

Please Help :D

I have spent hours on the Internet searching for silnylon similar in color to that you get with the HH sil hex tarp, or can get with the JRB 11'x10'.

no luck.

Suggest you start working on expectations management. Grey and pink would be nice, royal blue and pink even better.

but brown in sil? sorry...


Preacha Man
02-14-2008, 10:38
Nooooooooooooo :eek: , there has to be some somewhere :rolleyes: !!! She said it is brown and pink or nothing. If it has to be blue, then it would be with Canary yellow. All we need is another Banana Hammock like Jazilla's :D .

Thanks Grizz, If I do find some, I'll pass it along.


02-14-2008, 10:55
Nooooooooooooo :eek: , there has to be some somewhere :rolleyes: !!! She said it is brown and pink or nothing. If it has to be blue, then it would be with Canary yellow. All we need is another Banana Hammock like Jazilla's :D .

Thanks Grizz, If I do find some, I'll pass it along.


this is what we call in my business an over-constrained problem. Which just means you need to use imagination, $$, or both to solve it.

Option A : buy a tarp from HH or JRB in the right color and take out the seams. Bask in her glowing adoration that despite all odds, Her Man delivered her heart's desire.

Option B : Get some 1.1 oz ripstop in brown (I've done this). Coat it yourself with a silicone mix. I've read instructions on doing this, mostly people think you're better off buying sil. But when She Who Must Be Obeyed (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumpole_of_the_Bailey) says it is brown and pink or nothing, then this may be the most cost-effective option.

Option C : Get some grey sil, and issue her some Wayfarer sunglasses with brown lenses.

Option D : Do actually find it, let us all know, and be declared HF Hero of the First Order.


02-14-2008, 11:18
I now last time I talked to Ed Speer he said that he had been getting the brown in limited quantities, as seen in some of the brown Speer Winter Tarps. I have no idea is he has extra or would even be willing to sell you any but it's worth a shot.

02-14-2008, 11:26
Kifaru has gotten it from somewhere for years, they make those huge tipis from it.

02-14-2008, 12:24
Kifaru has gotten it from somewhere for years, they make those huge tipis from it.

Could you please provide links, phone numbers, or any possible way to humanly contact these people? :eek:

Thanks. :)

02-14-2008, 12:28
Kifaru has gotten it from somewhere for years, they make those huge tipis from it.

Could you please provide links, phone numbers, or any possible way to humanly contact these people? :eek:

Kifaru's Contact Page (http://www.kifaru.net/contact.htm) (includes GPS coordinates) :p

Preacha Man
02-14-2008, 14:53
Kifaru's Contact Page (http://www.kifaru.net/contact.htm) (includes GPS coordinates) :p

I called Kifaru and they told me that their fabric supplier is Performance Textiles Inc. The Good news is that they are right here in the US of A. They are supposed to call me back, so cross your fingers that they are not like Magna.


02-14-2008, 15:18
Waiting with crossed fingers.

red devil
02-14-2008, 19:12
I'd be interested it finding out about getting that too. If I would have known how rare it was going to be I would have bought more from Thru-Hiker.

02-15-2008, 00:39
Careful of PerfTex silnylon - they have often had the "blended" silnylon in the past when I have ordered certain colors from them, which isn't seam sealable with current methods. Also, they have a $60 cutting fee, unless you can find a small case.

With that, more power to you if you can get silnylon that works.

OES (http://outdoorequipmentsupplier.com)

Preacha Man
02-15-2008, 08:31
Careful of PerfTex silnylon - they have often had the "blended" silnylon in the past when I have ordered certain colors from them, which isn't seam sealable with current methods. Also, they have a $60 cutting fee, unless you can find a small case.

With that, more power to you if you can get silnylon that works.

OES (http://outdoorequipmentsupplier.com)

Wow, Thanks Brian for the heads up. I would be mad if I couldn't seal it right.


02-15-2008, 14:32
I'm not saying it's not worth ordering from - just don't have a 500 yard initial order and then be bummed at the lack of sealability (is that a word:p ?) of that giant bolt. I would say get a few yards (if you can) and play around with some silicone.

OES (http://outdoorequipmentsupplier.com)

02-15-2008, 19:43
Careful of PerfTex silnylon - they have often had the "blended" silnylon in the past when I have ordered certain colors from them, which isn't seam sealable with current methods. Also, they have a $60 cutting fee, unless you can find a small case.

With that, more power to you if you can get silnylon that works.

OES (http://outdoorequipmentsupplier.com)

Brian... what causes it not to seal w/ silicon?

02-15-2008, 20:06
I guessing, but there must be a finish that the silicone will not bond with.

Preacha Man
02-18-2008, 17:03
Yeah!!! I finally found a company that is looking for Brown/Chocolate 1.1oz silnylon for me. They do not have it right now, but when they find it they will buy it and give me a call. The catch is that I have to buy all of it. Would anyone be interested in buying the rest off of Amanda and I? I do not know when they will get it, they are just supposed to let me know. I will have to order 100 yards or more :D .

Let me know if yall are interested.


02-18-2008, 17:34
Yeah!!! I finally found a company that is looking for Brown/Chocolate 1.1oz silnylon for me. They do not have it right now, but when they find it they will buy it and give me a call. The catch is that I have to buy all of it. Would anyone be interested in buying the rest off of Amanda and I? I do not know when they will get it, they are just supposed to let me know. I will have to order 100 yards or more :D .

Let me know if yall are interested.


I'd be good for a lot of brown sil.


02-18-2008, 19:50
Yeah!!! I finally found a company that is looking for Brown/Chocolate 1.1oz silnylon for me. They do not have it right now, but when they find it they will buy it and give me a call. The catch is that I have to buy all of it. Would anyone be interested in buying the rest off of Amanda and I? I do not know when they will get it, they are just supposed to let me know. I will have to order 100 yards or more :D .

Let me know if yall are interested.


I want some, need to know the width before I say how much.
But: I want to make a 12' or 13' X about 9' to 10' tarp. So will need 108 sq' to 130 sq'. I'm leaning towards the 130 Squares cause I like the coverage. I'm thinking about 13 yards if its about 45" wide.


02-18-2008, 19:59
Yeah what's the width and price? I could be in for 9 yards. I have a 8x12 rectangular tarp in my future.

02-18-2008, 21:18
We have a company trying to locate it for us. But we would have to order a lot. When they find it they are going to call with prices. Keep fingers crossed it will be soon. :)

red devil
02-18-2008, 21:26
Yes. I've got a friend who will be interested also.

02-18-2008, 22:40
Careful of PerfTex silnylon - they have often had the "blended" silnylon in the past when I have ordered certain colors from them, which isn't seam sealable with current methods.Brian
OES (http://outdoorequipmentsupplier.com)

what do you mean "blended" is that the same as the sil/urethane combo.

i had heard that all US made sil can no longer be pure silicone, they have to use a certain amount of urethane, supposedly because of some kind of government regulations or something. then i heard from the guy at noah lamports, who supposedly supplies owf, quest, and seattle fabrics, that the one company who made silnylon in the US was selling the factory because sil was too hard to make, (reason for all the seconds).

i talked to performance textiles a while back too, what i understood, is that they don't have sil, they have silicone coated ripstop, i looked at 2 parachute fabrics, soar coat and exacta chute? the soar coat was about equivalent to sil (water resistance wise). they didn't fess up to having any brown though, i did ask. maybe i talked to the wrong person there, that's always a possibility. contact noah lamports too, they have lots of fabric, don't have the contact info though.

i would definately sample anything someone "claims" to be sil.

Yaqui Hiker
02-18-2008, 22:50
try making your own. Buy untreated nylon in the color you want, and follow directions in Ed Speers book. I've done it; bit of work, but it works!

02-18-2008, 22:55
i tried soaking nylon in thinned sil, got great results, just tried it on smaple pieces. getting the ratio of sil to thinner was the hard part, you can do small tests to figure that out.

check out the thread "make your own sil" if interested too.

i had forgotten ed had directions in his book. always a good resource.

Preacha Man
02-18-2008, 23:02
i tried soaking nylon in thinned sil, got great results, just tried it on smaple pieces. getting the ratio of sil to thinner was the hard part, you can do small tests to figure that out.

check out the thread "make your own sil" if interested too.

i had forgotten ed had directions in his book. always a good resource.

Thanks, If I never find it I will do this. I never really thought about it, if it works for the seams should work fine for the rest.

Preacha Man
02-22-2008, 20:38
Great news, My supplier has found brown 1.1oz silnylon. The bad news is that they have to order 3000 yards. They will carry 1000 yards themselves, but we all will need to order 2000 yards before they will order it. I know that between me and another guy we will get 500 yards at least, so that leaves everyone else needing to order 1500 yards. I do not mind trying to figure out orders, but I want to see if there is enough interest first. The price will be +/- $7 per yard, and it should be 60" wide or more.


02-22-2008, 20:44
We could make a really freakin huge tarp.

02-22-2008, 20:47
that is not a very good deal for 2000 yards. it should be way cheaper if you buy that much, lookout, i think they are trying to rip you off, i wonder if it is really even sil.

02-22-2008, 20:51
...so that leaves everyone else needing to order 1500 yards...The price will be +/- $7 per yard...

:eek: That's a huge group buy. :eek:

02-22-2008, 21:11
I don't know the actual price. That is the usual wholesale price. It might be cheaper for bigger orders. We will call in the morning to find out.

02-22-2008, 21:18
yea..for that much volume, it shouldn't cost that much.
heck seconds cost $6/yd with a min of 1 yard...
course it ain't brown. :)

02-22-2008, 21:27
I've never bought from these folks (http://www.therainshed.com/) but I've wondered about the forest green sil.
You might give them a call and see if they have or can get other colors.

02-22-2008, 22:19
yeah, i would think it should be quite a bit cheaper than that. ed speer just recently went up from $4.00 to $4.25 per yard. and he's buying & reselling.
if you find out that it's going to be closer to $4.00 per yard i'd be interested.

02-22-2008, 22:25
yeah, i would think it should be quite a bit cheaper than that. ed speer just recently went up from $4.00 to $4.25 per yard. and he's buying & reselling.
if you find out that it's going to be closer to $4.00 per yard i'd be interested.

On his site it says $5.95. Do you get some supper secret ultra mega discount.:rolleyes:

02-22-2008, 22:27
On his site it says $5.95. Do you get some supper secret ultra mega discount.:rolleyes:

nope... i guess i just haven't checked his prices in a while:eek:
darn inflation:mad:

02-22-2008, 22:33
I'd be pretty suspicious of a deal that calls for 2000 yards at $7 / yard.

In my Internet searching I found sites representing companies in the PRC selling sil for $2 / m, with a 2000 m minimum order. They didn't list colors, but did have a way of requesting swatchs.

Now if the preaching folk plus friend are in for 1000, that would cut in half what would be need for the Group Buy to Beat all Group buys.

I'll see if I can dig up those sites again and forward them on to the Preacha.


Bugzee Malone
02-22-2008, 22:59

I tried looking here on the net in Japan for manufacturers for you all but zilch

02-22-2008, 23:22
I have to agree with the other.....$7 per yard don't sound like such a good deal.

02-24-2008, 00:16

minimum order is 1000 M, price is $2 / M (although there are different weights which would matter. The company's own web site listed $1.2- $2 / M. )

But I do wonder if the "stiffness" is suitable for camping use. They say samples are available.


Preacha Man
02-24-2008, 11:32

minimum order is 1000 M, price is $2 / M (although there are different weights which would matter. The company's own web site listed $1.2- $2 / M. )

But I do wonder if the "stiffness" is suitable for camping use. They say samples are available.


I have sent an email, but I cannot call the company until Monday morning. I am sure that it will be lower than $7, but I will not know the exact price until I call and negotiate.

Preacha Man
02-25-2008, 12:50
Okay, Bad news :( , the price per yard would be $6.74/yard :eek: , and we would need to cover 2000 yards by ourselves, without the other 500 from the person I thought would go on us :eek: . I cannot get that much if it is that much per yard, and I told the lady that we would probably wait. Tell me what yall think, if yall want to continue then we need to get together 2000 yards :eek: . I think the wife and I will stick with black, and I will coat 1.1oz myself if I can find it for her tarp.


02-25-2008, 15:57
sorry the deal isn't turning out to be so good for you preach man :( I'd really be interested in brown sil myself, but not for that much. I hope something turns up. I'm keeping an eye out.

02-25-2008, 16:44
Does anyone know why brown sil seems to be the lost city of colors? Or is it any color other than grey, black, or blue?

Preacha Man
02-25-2008, 16:55
sorry the deal isn't turning out to be so good for you preach man :( I'd really be interested in brown sil myself, but not for that much. I hope something turns up. I'm keeping an eye out.

Thats ok, we just got a big roll of black in this morning. I have no idea why brown is so elusive, you would think for all the people who want it, people would make it available. Ohh well, I'll make Amanda's tarp myself by coating it, and the rest we make will be black.


02-25-2008, 16:56
Does anyone know why brown sil seems to be the lost city of colors? Or is it any color other than grey, black, or blue?

This stuff if made for parachutes primarily, and I've never seen a brown parachute. They do use gray and black a lot, hence their availability. I guess we constitute a "niche-market".

02-25-2008, 17:26
Yeah, I guess you don't see a lot of brown sails either.

02-25-2008, 18:33
i don't think sil is used for parachutes or sails anymore

02-25-2008, 19:17
i don't think sil is used for parachutes or sails anymore

It is used for parachutes, the call it "ZP", (zero porosity), skydivers don't have pockets quite as deep as yachtsmen.

02-25-2008, 19:52
performance textiles told me their parachute fabric wasn't sil impreg, and that sil impreg parachutes are "old school". i guess that doesn't mean other companies don't still ise it. i sampled some of their parachute fabric (exacta chute) and it was quite similar to sil, looked like a double sided coating. i'm sure you're right though, people probably do still use it for parachutes, especially the diy'ers if there is such a thing.

02-25-2008, 19:59
... i'm sure you're right though, people probably do still use it for parachutes, especially the diy'ers if there is such a thing.
Thats what I call having faith in one's own sewing.:eek:

02-25-2008, 20:01
yeah, i can imagine testing the first prototype would be a little un nerving

02-25-2008, 20:03
Oh yeah, severe pucker factor:D

02-25-2008, 20:21
hate to find a mistake in the test run. a little higher then the foot or so in a hammock.

but i say we should all bombard HH and JRB til they reveal the source of the coveted brown sil. or at least sell it to us...

02-25-2008, 20:44
performance textiles told me their parachute fabric wasn't sil impreg, and that sil impreg parachutes are "old school". i guess that doesn't mean other companies don't still ise it. i sampled some of their parachute fabric (exacta chute) and it was quite similar to sil, looked like a double sided coating. i'm sure you're right though, people probably do still use it for parachutes, especially the diy'ers if there is such a thing.

The "HOT" parachutes used to be all sil, the milder versions(these would only break an ankle instead of both femurs if you botched a landing) were DWR with a sil top sheet. Everybody is always looking for smaller,lighter stuff (like us) so they are probably using the lighter stuff now.

03-08-2008, 17:21
hey, it looks like we all really want brown silicone impregnated nylon. i will wait in order to buy it. I can buy for 50 yards. thats 1950 to go, who will invest. I am moving in 3 weeks onto my bicycle, so i cannot be the one to puchase the bulk/ then distribute it. if someone will buy the roll and then post it on ebay price per yard and then say "2000 available" etc, then we could all buy the quantity we want. I think someone would be willing to invest in it from this website if everyone on here says "im in, and i want (this many) yards" etc. lets make this happen! thanks
[email protected]

03-08-2008, 17:37
hey, it looks like we all really want brown silicone impregnated nylon. i will wait in order to buy it. I can buy for 50 yards. thats 1950 to go, who will invest. I am moving in 3 weeks onto my bicycle, so i cannot be the one to puchase the bulk/ then distribute it. if someone will buy the roll and then post it on ebay price per yard and then say "2000 available" etc, then we could all buy the quantity we want. I think someone would be willing to invest in it from this website if everyone on here says "im in, and i want (this many) yards" etc. lets make this happen! thanks
[email protected]

Yes - who's going to be the one to piece out 2,000 yards in small yard pieces??

In order to keep your sanity, you would probably have to make that a minimum order of 100 yards !?!?!? Lets see 4 yds/hammock ..... Do you really need that many hammocks or quilts or overcovers or .... !?!?!?

Preacha Man
03-08-2008, 17:44
I wish that it could be a go, but at $6/yard, it really is unreasonable. Amanda and I buy 100 yards at a time, and we cannot just sit on $600+ of fabric. We would have to raise our prices again, and that is not something that I would like to do. Sure the brown is a good color, but we have black, and that is ok too.

Amanda wanted the Brown, to make a brown and pink tarp, to match a brown and pink hammock :D . I would like brown, but I can wait till it comes a long at a better price.